World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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That's the case yeah, it'll be replacing Hyper Yo Yo Burning next week. It would be interesting to see BakuTech and Zero-G share a time slot on Cartoon Network in the future.
First site to get this news, the summary of the story for the "BEYWHEELZ" anime :

Quote:Includes the exciting new BEYWHEELZ chapter, which takes place in the futuristic city of Destection where our hero, Sho, is champion of the BEYWHEELZ World Tournament! This peaceful city is home to exciting and challenging battles between friends and allies until suddenly the city is attacked by an evil BEYWHEELZ army called the Dominators.

"Sho" is supposedly the character that is a Yuuki rip-off. His name is so "Westerners-trying-to-pick-something-Asian" ... The enemies are way too stereotypical ...
Why do I suddenly get a feeling, the leader of those 'Dominators' is a Ryuuga-wannabe? Just a random thought of mine..and I somehow started to laugh about it........ òo
WAYYY more overtypical than other animes.

Everything is good in life, some bad guy shows up, huge epic showdown, good guys win.
Apparently BeyWheelz is not even made by D-Rights, but a much less known company ... I do not know how they got the permission to copy D-Rights' and Adachi Takafumi's character designs ...
(Mar. 28, 2012  4:07 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Apparently BeyWheelz is not even made by D-Rights, but a much less known company ... I do not know how they got the permission to copy D-Rights' and Adachi Takafumi's character designs ...

Pioneer may be lesser known, but they've worked on Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and a bunch of high profile stuff.
This looks so corny. Why can't a plotline that is reallistic
Sorry, Why can't they put a plotline that is more reallistic
Did you just ask for realism in a Beyblade anime?

Oh my.
Yes I did. I mean 12 year olds don't get possessed by toys. At least they should be in like, their neighborhood having dramatic battles with toys
Just sayin'
(Mar. 27, 2012  3:31 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]"Sho" is supposedly the character that is a Yuuki rip-off. His name is so "Westerners-trying-to-pick-something-Asian"

Huh? The name isn't "Westerners-trying-to-pick-something-Asian" Sho is a genuine Japanese name meaning soar/fly (main protagonist from the Guyver manga/anime/OVA has that name).

Have you read fanfictions ? Something like "Sho" is really a lack of originality.
Hmmm well I have read fanfics but I have barely seen OCs named Sho, in fact the only Sho I know more of is Sho Fukamachi from the Guyver series.

But I can see what you mean in a way that Sho is a simplistic name compared to say Ginga and Kyoya.
>Peaceful city
>World champ
>All of sudden, bad guys appear
Haha, don't make me laugh. Can't say I'm excited for this really..
I Donot think that they should start out with a world champ and then just battles a bunch of bad guys? Lame.

It goes like this:

> epic person(s)
> bad guys show up
> bad guys are over powered
> epic person (s) fights bad guy

Then it goes to two different places:

> epic person (s) demolishes bad guy
> bad guy is forever gone and dead
> every one is happy
> the happy end

> epic person ties against bad guy
> epic person convinces bad guy to become good
> bad guy becomes friends and is on epic person's side
> more bad guys
> repeat from A
> more seasons
Aw man, the anime creativity crisis came to Beyblade series!
Not like Beywheelz were even conventional to Beyblade considering, well, not TOPS AT ALL......

This is a benign tumor and should be treated as such. The less we give Hasbro our moans and groans the less they'll scare us with Schadenfreude.


My god the colors look like something Mike Judge would choose, and his style is not even of the same origins and was executed on his own just fine. Try me, this is inappropriate Hasbro.
(Mar. 28, 2012  11:48 PM)Apply Without Wrote: [ -> ]My god the colors look like something Mike Judge would choose, and his style is not even of the same origins and was executed on his own just fine. Try me, this is inappropriate Hasbro. just the character sketches. Only two characters are fully rendered in CG color as animation models there.
Don't think anyone has noticed yet but THe dude in the first 2 posters with the yellow jacket has green hair but then in the 3rd picture with the whole cast, his hair is silver

King comes to mind.
So to tie this up, Beywheelz is a piece of carp.
Great to see such open minded individuals on this forum!
(Mar. 29, 2012  10:46 PM)To Wrote: [ -> ]Great to see such open minded individuals on this forum!

Benkei and Nowaguma have had their designs merged horrifyingly.

Ryuuga was given a girl scouts outfit and a clashing hairstyle.

Many other hit the nail on the head- what exactly is Hasbro sweeping under rugs?

This doesn't look like something a successful studio would create. Character development time seems constrained and comically limited. That's really bad if you take into account how 4D made half the legend bladers rather uninteresting.
Let us not forget the shorter Tobio with exactly the same hair but different clothes.
These would have made more sense as a trippy alternate universe versions of Metal Fight characters. Hasbro could use that without getting in trouble though...? At least it'd give it interesting purpose.
If you don't want to watch BeyWheelz, read Beyblade ABBS and post on it.

P.S. It has Epicness and an annoying little brother.
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