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Full Version: BeyWheelz Anime Side Series
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Aww...i wish they wouldn't combine these episodes, but expand them all to 24 minutes on DVD Release. Would be too cool =D
I think beywheels are a ripoff of "Fly-wheels", if anyone remembers them. I personally hate beywheelz toys, and a bit raging at the fact they're making a show for it.
Beywheelz? Based on Fly-wheels? What? Thank you for pointing that out...Please don't post on this thread if all your gonna say is negative things.
Beywheelz will air in Japan depending on these factors...

1. How well the toyline sells over in Hasbro territories.
2. Japanese people have internet too, and if they want the anime to air in Japan, then they need to show their support as well (purchasing the toys, blogging about it, etc).
3. Takara Tomy needs to make their toyline of it too if the anime is to air in Japan, or that won't happen.
Point to and three are very unlikely to happen.
I've actually seen the Japanese Duel Masters fandom show some interest in Kaijudo (a slightly modified rebranded version of Duel Masters by Hasbro) so who knows.
(Aug. 07, 2012  7:59 PM)Beyniac Wrote: [ -> ]Beywheelz? Based on Fly-wheels? What? Thank you for pointing that out...Please don't post on this thread if all your gonna say is negative things.

Well, it since it is a side series, I have to be thankful for delaying the end of the beyblade series. There is a positive thing.
It does not delay Metal Fight Beyblade at all because Japan is still following the same rhythm and it is far from getting ended soon, hah.
There is a character named Leon who has a special attack with the word "Typhoon" in it

I am flattered Tongue_out_wink

Of course, it is bad enough that some people think that my name is "Leone" so this will be 10x worse...or is it better? Somewhere in between? haha Tired

edit: Beywheelz is not the 1st time a Japanese toy line got its own separate anime produced in North America. With that said, there have been times were those types of shows have made their way to Japan, so I would not be surprised if Japanese Beywheelz pop up one day.
Wheeler DJ looks totally fabulous. Blue hair but (I'm 90% certain on this) same Blader DJ voice? SOLD.
I like it, but I never expected it to be very different than Beyblade. I wasn't surprised about the intro's summary of the "alternate canon".
(Aug. 03, 2012  11:24 PM)Insomniac Wrote: [ -> ]This thread is for the Anime. For discussion regarding the toys, go here:

I hate the beywheelz series. Sometimes recyclable things can only be recycled so many times. I hate you Hasbro!!!
Oh hey, some actual promo art:

(Aug. 24, 2012  4:29 AM)wtater888 Wrote: [ -> ]I hate the beywheelz series. Sometimes recyclable things can only be recycled so many times. I hate you Hasbro!!!
Ok...if you don't like it, why are you posting here? This is for discussion of the anime, not about how much you hate beywheelz/hasbro. Also, the fact that hasbro "recycled" the beasts and many things about MFB and still having a very good show (in my opinion) is pretty amazing. Have you even watched any episodes? Anyway, just watched episode 6. I slept in so i missed episode 5. Covey is jealous because Leon shook Nicole's hand. O.o Creepy...
That's some nice official promo art! Looks great imo.
I kinda like Covey's personality. He's a true big guy lol.
The characters in the Beywheelz anime may be different than those from the Beyblade anime, but the similarities are pretty major.
(Aug. 31, 2012  1:25 PM)danno3321 Wrote: [ -> ]The characters in the Beywheelz anime may be different than those from the Beyblade anime, but the similarities are pretty major.

The series is just like Fast Forwarding Metal Fusion!
Covey's a lot less annoying than Benkei simply because Covey was less whiny and he was pretty hilarious in my opinion, so yeah covey is pretty cool for a guy who may resemble benkei (quite a bit...)
(Aug. 31, 2012  4:26 PM)[Harry-Potter] Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 31, 2012  1:25 PM)danno3321 Wrote: [ -> ]The characters in the Beywheelz anime may be different than those from the Beyblade anime, but the similarities are pretty major.

The series is just like Fast Forwarding Metal Fusion!
Except way better. We are finally freed from a dork who is obsessed with hamburgers and lectures about "beyspirit" 24/7. No more boys in girls clothes and heartless jerks!

(Aug. 31, 2012  7:57 PM)Beyniac Wrote: [ -> ]Except way better. We are finally freed from a dork who is obsessed with hamburgers and lectures about "beyspirit" 24/7. No more boys in girls clothes and heartless jerks!

... What ? You only watched maximum five episodes, did you not ?
(Aug. 31, 2012  8:27 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 31, 2012  7:57 PM)Beyniac Wrote: [ -> ]Except way better. We are finally freed from a dork who is obsessed with hamburgers and lectures about "beyspirit" 24/7. No more boys in girls clothes and heartless jerks!

... What ? You only watched maximum five episodes, did you not ?
Well,atleast he doesn't where a scarf Tongue_out

(Aug. 31, 2012  8:27 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 31, 2012  7:57 PM)Beyniac Wrote: [ -> ]Except way better. We are finally freed from a dork who is obsessed with hamburgers and lectures about "beyspirit" 24/7. No more boys in girls clothes and heartless jerks!

... What ? You only watched maximum five episodes, did you not ?
Six actually Grin I saw enough to know that i like it much more than mfb.
I was referring to Metal Fight Beyblade itself ...
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