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Full Version: Happy Brad Day III !!
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Lets see if I can't make a video-y testimonial myself later in the week, if I actually mean something here haha. Shame I got a haircut, though.
I never got to actually talk to you Brad, but the website does really bring me enjoyment and the fact that it came from scratch off of your perseverance is enough of a conversation itself, if that makes sense..? When I saw the Beywiki for the first time: I had seen god, haha.

Dragoon MSUV usually go for $100 onwards now, Brad.
HAPPY BRAD DAY this website has changed my beyblade experience i just joined in october but i learnee so much
i never have seen brad except in old (like 2007) posts anyway happy b-day (i guess that could stand for brad day too)
Happy Brad Day to you Brad! You are simply extraordinary! Thanks for keeping the spirit alive.
/I'll never be first
Happy Brad Day everyone!
Wow! It's great being able to participate in this! I signed up shortly after Brad Day alst year, and it seemed like a BIG event! Now I can FINALLY participate in it!
I'm definitely going for fanart and the placecard, and I'll probably make a testimonial too. (even though it will be awkward..)
I never got to know Brad personally. It really is a shame.. I wish I had discovered this site a few years ago, and gotten to know him. I've seen him post before though, and the fact that he's still a nice guy is great.
Hah, and last but not least, congratulations to Arupaeo and Hazel! You two are great members, and are definitely worthy of the committee status! Hah, it was hard keeping that a secret for a while.. Wink
I was never on OTC or anything. But i was on the original forums. Honestly i never got a chance to interact with Brad. When i joined the WBO Brad had just left. When i came to the WBO i was a wreck. But thanks to the WBO and several of the members they helped me through several rough times. And honestly its all thanks to Brad. Because he started this, because of his passion I found friends who accept me for me. And I found people who are just amazing. The passion and determination of Brad is truly inspiring. On hard days like today and seeing the video made today better. Thank you Brad from the bottom of my heart.

Happy Birthday
Happy Bradday
Happy Brad Day everyone !
Congrats to Hazel and Arupaeo , you really deserve it !
Well I think I might do a video , but I not sure .
Brad amazes me , he made a community hold on 10 years while Beyblade were suppose to be dead , now that's just amazing . One of the other "bradquality" that amazes me is that he can give a funny awnser with knowledge in it . Having a laugh while learning is something that not so many people can do .
Brad , thank you for creating this community !
Happy Brad Day!

This is a very promising brad day, thanks for this committee.
Btw, Arupaeo, I told you you'll would become a committee member, probably because I talked about it too much. Smile
thank you brad! ive never really had a chance to meet you, or even pm for that matter -.- but i really appreciate what youve made, and if it wasnt for you, i wouldve just dropped beyblade altogether! again, just thanks.. youre amazing!
HAPPY BRAD DAY!!! Grin And happy birthday brad! Grin Also congragulations to hazel and aruepaeo! Grin
Replying to Kai-V's post on Page 1:

I actually wasn't able to watch it; I was on my iPod since my phone was dead. Now I have watched it, and it was quite moving. It makes me want to make a testimonial to Brad more than ever!

Again, Happy Brad Day, and thanks for everything, Brad!
Happy Brad day from WA everyone I hope you all partake in battling and worship for BeyBrad
First off....
Happy Birthday and Brad Day!
Congratulations to Hazel and Arupaeo!

Arupaeo was unexpected to me, but there's no doubt that he deserves it, with him being active all over the WBO recently.
Happy BDay Brad!You deserve a spot in history books!Congrats Hazel and Arupaeo!
[im pretty new but happy b day!!!!!!!!!
Brad did awesome!

Happy Birthday, Brad.
Well, it has been so long for this website, has it not!

I've only been here for a year, but from my stay I know how important Brad made this site for us!

Congratulations, Hazel and Arupaeo! I hope your best stay as moderators, as one day I wish to be there..

And happy birthday, Brad!
But in all seriousness if brad became prime
Minister he would need it to be coellitioned with Kai-v or kei or both as he would need time to do brad like activities e.g clubbing or extreme knitting
I really didn't have time to submit a video for this, but I've been a part of the community that Brad built from nearly the very beginning. Without the forums he worked hard to keep spam and ad free, and the in depth tutorials, the beyblade community we know today probably wouldn't exist and I can't imagine I'd have stuck with the game for this long.

I am not a terribly active member of the forums, but I never really have been. I participate in the tournaments that I can, and I enjoy helping out when I feel qualified enough Tongue_out

I love that this website and community still exist and look forward to it's future.

Happy birthday Tamer Brad, and happy Brad day.
(Dec. 05, 2011  10:25 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]If only you could have gotten Beholder to appear.

You know, she actually did try contacting him!
hahahaha unreal

sounds like i should've hung onto my HMS longer ... amazing to me that there are actually people who both want those bey that badly and can afford those prices.

thanks to everyone's new comments Smile
I know I haven't been on the website for a long time, but thank you Brad for making this awesome community. That video was touching. It was really nice when people said that it had an effect on your childhood. Since I am still going through mine, I don't know if you will or if you won't. You probably will. The WBO is probably the best thing that happened to me. I can talk to people with knowledge of Beyblade and find local tournaments. Happy Birthday Brad!!!! Happy Brad Day everyone!!!!

Congratulations Arupaeo and Hazel for becoming Committee Members! You guys totally deserve it.

i just learned G lives minnesota too lol but i might make a vid.
I haven't quite finished the entire video yet, but Kei man, you almost made me cry I swear. You guys have a lot of respect for Brad.

Brad, I joined quite a while after you left, I don't know you except for posts in the past! What I do know is that you've done a very incredible thing. You've brought almost 60 000 people together, and I can honestly say that this website is what makes me enjoy Beyblade. I really appreciate what you've done, and I really really respect you as a person. So Happy Brad Day, Happy Birthday, and Merry Christmas too!
I wasn't a member when Brad was still active, but have seen a lot of his posts.
Congrats Hazel and Arupaeo also!

So many exciting things in one thread!


i've seen you post everywhere, but i've seen more than that.
I've Seen the influence that you've had on the entire beyblading community. I really hope you have a great birthday. Thanks for everything you've done.
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