Happy birthday to Brad, thanks for everything!!!!!
Congratulations to Hazel and Arupaeo on being Committee members, you deserve it.
Happy Brad Day!!
Hey hazel got into the committee right, then how do I get in?
Well, it is an extremely hard process you see!
You are a newer member, as I assume. I am not an expert, and someday I wish to be there as well! But I know it takes hard dedication to become what Hazel has become (let's not forget Arupaeo). Putting down what you have on the table, it's all about your online behavior and even more if your self-esteem!
It's going to take time for anyone to accomplish such a marvelous goal! But just put your head to it, man!
(Dec. 06, 2011 12:58 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec. 05, 2011 10:25 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]If only you could have gotten Beholder to appear.
You know, she actually did try contacting him!
Yes, on that Duel Masters blog he had, hah. I wish Beyblade Spirit forums recorded email addresses too ...
I tried contacting rooneyt as well hah. That would have been cool.
I've never experienced Brad Day, so this is my first one! Funny, because my brother, AnakinBlader, and my friend also share the same birthday! Congrats to Hazel and Arupaeo for making the team! Everything starts with one person. Brad made this site hoping it would it would unite the Bladers of the world! And unite it did! Just like Steve Jobs and Apple. It starred small, with no one knowing what and app is. But now, all that has changed! He made what people didn't even think they wanted. Just like Brad.
(Dec. 06, 2011 4:15 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec. 06, 2011 12:58 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec. 05, 2011 10:25 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]If only you could have gotten Beholder to appear.
You know, she actually did try contacting him!
Yes, on that Duel Masters blog he had, hah. I wish Beyblade Spirit forums recorded email addresses too ...
I tried contacting rooneyt as well hah. That would have been cool.
Blader Kenny would have been next level.
HAPPY BRAD DAY everyone!!!
Congrats Hazel And Arupaeo .I am so happy .
Everyone enjoy bey brad day
(Dec. 06, 2011 4:55 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Blader Kenny would have been next level.
I have no contacts in the police yet, hah. Nor with psychiatrists ...
(Heavy Russian accent) Bey Brad would make excellent prime minister, but I think he would make a much better Zcar, more vodka that way!
Happy Brad Day III! =D
Congratz to Hazel and Arupaeo! You guys have earned it! =D
Happy Birthday Brad and Happy Brad Day everyone.
Also now I am going to suffer from Hazelphobia and Arupaeophobia

Congrats to both of you!!
Woah, i wake up a 7.30am to go on the WBO, on a school day, and do my normal stuff on the WBO. Suddenly I see this topic. I hadn't even noticed the banner had changed! Gosh, I should get my eyes checked up LOL.
Happy birthday Brad and happy Brad day everyone! Also congrats to Hazel and Arupaeo for making the team! Also Hazel, you registered and got to committee member in 3 months! That's amazing! And thank you everyone who put all that effort in that video! I finally get to see some advanced members faces!
Happy brad Day! Whoooooo!
Happy Brad day everyone!
And I appreciate what you did Bra,happy birthday to
Big kudos to Arupaeo and Hazel and Happy Brad Day everyone!
*hugs every member in celebration*
Happy Brad day. Congrats Hazel and Arupaeo
Happy Brad Day and congrats Hazel and Arupaeo you deserved it, now not even 1 spam bot wont mess with you

Well, spam-bots were never really a concern, haha!
Regardless, thank you guys for the congratulatory words, but this really is more about the third anniversary of the WBO!
Happy Brad Day everyone Bey Brad you inspire me *_*
Happy Brad Day. thank you for founding a great website im shure we all love it and if some dont trust me they will soo.
Happy Birthday Brad, and it's already a day past, but Happy brad Day.
Happy b'day Brad..!!
And thanks for creating such an awsome forum

Also congratz to Hazel and Arupaeo!!!

Aww man, last year was wicked!
Happy Brad day!!!I
Imagine if next year the prize is Brad's secret stash of beys that he's kept for all these years andgrew tired off finally.