Happy Birthday Brad!
Congratz to Arupaeo and Hazel for their new title!
I hope for the best for all of you three!
Happy Brad Day everyone!
(Dec. 05, 2011 3:53 PM)Cye Kinomiya Wrote: [ -> ]My favorite part was at the end with Ras, especially the part where she says that Brad had a positive effect on her childhood. I can very much relate to that. OtC was a huge part of my childhood, and it had a huge part in developing the person I am today.
I can too. After having been witness to everything he's done to get to the point that he has today, having worked with him, and been friends with him, I know for certain that Brad has had a positive effect on me; an effect that goes beyond the sentiments I was able to express in the video.
It also astounds me every time I think about how long I've been in this community, how many irreplaceable people I've met, and how they've all shaped who I've become in some fashion. Like Brad, I feel lucky to have met all of you.
(Dec. 05, 2011 4:40 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]The part with Ras was really touching to me as well. I haven't spoken to her in a long time, so it was incredible to hear such emotional words. I think I need to rekindle some old friendships.
What amazed me while contacting everyone was how readily they all got on board with this, and how happy they seemed to be to do it on such relatively short notice. That alone says a lot about the influence you've had on people, I think.
well i never got to know brad, but i am thankful to him for making the WBO.
i remember how i found this site
i was searching around google for dragoon beyblades and i somehow ended up here which made me happy cause i could talk to other bladers who loved beyblade as much as i do
that video was awesome, G's was funny and nice drawing btw.
i hope liife is treating u well
Happy Birthday Brad, without you I couldn't possible imagine a life without the WBO.
Thank you Scott ;__;
I'm not sure who did most of the legwork putting this together -- I assume it was you and Virginie -- so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
(Dec. 05, 2011 7:57 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you Scott ;__;
I'm not sure who did most of the legwork putting this together -- I assume it was you and Virginie -- so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
You're very welcome.

I hope we can hang out again next time I come to Montreal!
Arupaeo helped out too; he sent us a long list of (mostly ridiculous) themes, and we decided to use the "Brad for PM" one (which is kind of ridiculous also LOL).
Happy Brad Day! Happy 3rd Anniversary!
Best Wishes WBO!
Just thank your lucky stars they didn't bite on the World Brony Organization idea... :p
Though I guess it would still be eligible for the Bey Brad fanart contest... hahaha
Ohhhh my man Hazel and Arupaeo! I knew it!! And the cool part is that ny host is an committee member! Damn. Hazel beat blah's record and Arupaeo!!!! Im soo happy for you!!! Happy Brad day everyone! Woot more committee members and American ones too!
I vote for brad but don't know how.
That beat lynx? SWEET!
WBO Rules.
even thought i never meet brad or talk to him by wbo after sEING THAT VIDEO I CAN SEE HE is a great person and that i want u guys to know he got my vote to b pm and i almost forgot HAPPYYYYYYYY BRADDDDDD DAYYYYYYY!
Well, before I begin, congrats Arupaeo and Hazel (holy carp, talk about a rising star right here), and I like that Phantom Renegade mask bugturtles. WUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ~
Well, I missed the last Brad Day, so I made this website my home page and it has been for the last year. Congrats Brad! A very happy Brad Day and early b-day to you! I joined this site in October 2010 looking for some HMS info and where to buy a Dragoon MSUV for 50 bucks or less (lol), and now I can honestly say that this website has become a part of my life. I'm able to participate in a tournament, act as a good role model to others in this community and my own beyblade community, and connect with myself and fully enjoy myself after 4 years, for I had slowly become depressed over that time. Finding this website after accidentally tuning in to the first BMF episode at 7:30 AM on Saturdays was probably one of the best decisions I'd ever made. I can't express in words how much I owe to you for being strong and determined and keeping the Beyblade community alive. Beywiki has taught me so much, and though I wish I could've gotten to know you better and been able to learn while you were active as the admin here, I can honestly say that I've tried my hardest to emulate your standards on WBO while helping others. Thank you Brad, for always being there for Beyblade, for being just Brad in general!
Ooh, I want a Beat Lynx! IKUZO MINA!
EDIT: Since bugturtles asked the question, the mask is Hikaru Agata's/Henry's as Phantom Renegade from Medabots, which he wears under the Space Medafighter X mask and was unveiled when saving Ikki from Whitesword's ambush attack on Ikki himself to get Metabee's Medawatch and possess Metabee's Rare Medal. They were battling at the time, so Ikki didn't notice until Space Medafighter X jumped in the way. We were talking about Medabots in the classics thread before this lol.
(Dec. 05, 2011 7:57 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not sure who did most of the legwork putting this together -- I assume it was you and Virginie -- so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I wish that a lot more people could have read and responded to my message. I do not even know on what terms you were with them, but I remember people like calamaritastesbad, as well as other names. If you are happy with what was done in so little time (relatively), then I am happy too.
Happy Birthday Brad! Happy Brad Day!
happy brad day everyone
also, congratulation to Hazel and Arupaeo for being Committee Members, you deserve it guys
Happy Brad Day !
I never really met Brad or got to speak to him but watching that video showed how much of an influence he's had on the community.
So thanks ! (:
Happy Brad Day!!! He's done so much for the community. Good Job Hazel and Arupaeo for becoming commitee members! You deserved it! Do good!
Happy Brad Day.
I couldn't get a video recorded in time to meet the deadline, so I'll just post something here.
When I first got introduced to you online in 2003, via a friend, I was pretty dumbfounded that there was such a huge community devoted to beyblade.
For me and my friends, beyblade was a small hobby that none of us took seriously, but you managed to show me how tactical and fun the game could be if you just put in some more effort.
But aside from beyblade, you were one of the coolest people I had ever talked to, you were so sure of yourself and just seemed to have a better grasp on life than the other 13/14/15 year olds I was around. In so many ways you influenced me as I grew up myself. I would not be who I am today if it wasn't for spending many nights clicking away on the keyboard in a conversation with you.
When I finally met you in person, in May of 2004 at Anime North, It was just so cool to finally meet you, and be around you. I'll never forget that weekend for as long as I live. Seeing you at the AN's after that became one of the things I looked forward to the most. Over the years my respect for you has just grown.
You've done so much for hundreds, upon hundreds of people that it's absolutely amazing.
You know I love you, respect you, and wish nothing but the best for you in future endeavours.
You're a fine young man Brad Tiller.
Thank you for all the things you've done, not just for the community, but for me as a friend.
Happy Birthday and Happy Brad-Day
Enjoy yourself, you deserve it!
THANK YOU BRAD! I never new you but I wish I did, YOU ARE MY BEY HERO!
(Dec. 05, 2011 8:51 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]I joined this site in October 2010 looking for some HMS info and where to buy a Dragoon MSUV for 50 bucks or less (lol)
Do they cost more than this now? I sold one for $50 and thought I made a killing.
Thank you Crimson! <3
Yes Kai-V, I am more than happy with this ... having Ras at the end was enough of a shock. If only you could have gotten Beholder to appear.
Seriously this guy is amazing, for all that he has done.
(Dec. 05, 2011 10:25 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec. 05, 2011 8:51 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]I joined this site in October 2010 looking for some HMS info and where to buy a Dragoon MSUV for 50 bucks or less (lol)
Do they cost more than this now? I sold one for $50 and thought I made a killing.
Thank you Crimson! <3
Yes Kai-V, I am more than happy with this ... having Ras at the end was enough of a shock. If only you could have gotten Beholder to appear.
Most of the time it's 80 or so now. There are some trolls that pushed Roux's auction to 1000 so no one else would buy it, but before that it was hitting 150.
And IIRC blah's Proto Grey went for 150 or something. Even Dragoon MS can make 50 bucks mint, NIB would go to 60 or so.
You actually made an extremely good deal with whoever you sold it too (for the buyer at least), I wish I had been the receiving end lol.