World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Regents Restricted Roundup [16/04/11] - LIMIT REACHED!
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hey bliz can you take me of the list coz my dad said that he doesnot want to go to this one coz ive been to alot so i wont come this one but next tourney i should be able to come
I should be leaving soon, haven't practiced as ive been really busy and been in scotland with work for a few days but hopefully i'll do alright.

Good luck all see you soon!
It looks like I can't make it but I might come very late.
♥ has moved up to the competetors list if that is the case so smg4life01 and Black PhoeniX i hope you are still coming if Alex dosen't make it
(Apr. 16, 2011  9:45 AM)RockL-drago2866 Wrote: [ -> ]hey bliz can you take me of the list coz my dad said that he doesnot want to go to this one coz ive been to alot so i wont come this one but next tourney i should be able to come

Ok, hate to be nosy, but this is what everyone on the forum is going on about.

If you sign up for it, MAKE SURE YOU CAN ACTUALLY GO!

Most people on the reserves list will not expect to go, and will be unable.

Please stop this.
(Apr. 16, 2011  10:08 AM)LeeDraciel Wrote: [ -> ]♥ has moved up to the competetors list if that is the case so smg4life01 and Black PhoeniX i hope you are still coming if Alex dosen't make it

thought this was next week, oh dear
Great time today, Hope i have had a good time and i cant wait to see footage Smile

Stupid Bing Bang Pegasus Broke..........Tired
I wish I could be in the tournament o well maybe next timeUnhappy
Yh you didn't show up(meants for *heart*). Anyway on my way home. Saw Eclipse at the train station so he probs lives quite close to him. It was fun today. A shame that I lost a Bey on top of spending £8 on raffle tickets and not getting jack. My SD and WD are pretty worn down to so it looks like I was just carped to death. Anyway it is was still fun. Lee looks a lot scarier in real lifeCrying Looking foward to next time if I attend but I promise I would win more than 1 battle, Congrats to Raijin to also getting in the finals. My youtube video will probabley be finished by the end of tomorrow hopefully. Didn't get any BIG matches in just some random free plays and some matches from my group.
I'm very sad that I diden't get to go but I will be at the nextWink
Ok yeah that is cool.

The turn out was sort of dissapointing seeing how quite a lot of reserves got moved up but then again if it aint restricted the turn out will be giant, it will be over crowded and there will be a ton of n00bs...which is actually pretty good.
You lost a bey! Do you mean someone stole or you misplaced it! Take care of your beys!Haha!
(i feel like Phoenix from the anime!) Naa...only joking!
Who won the tournament I need to knowPinching_eyes_2
Dunno, I wasn't there (I go to get a muffin and BAM! everyone is gone).

Somebody stole it.
Thats sad someone stole your bey you should put your bey in a contaner and put you name on it so if any one use it other people know it's your's.
1st Blitz
2nd ControL_
3rd Enzoxs
4th Rajin (And His Girrafe! XD)
Great Tournament Im Also Missing £5 XD
Well it was kinda carp; Poison Horogium 145 DS. It was in my bag but now after this event I have convinced my Mum to let me take my Bey Carrier case (The Same as Control_'s and Blade Storms's), before she was too embarrassed to go on the train with me carrying loads of Beys xD.

And good thing is that she said that she will reimburse me of my Beys so I will be selling quite a few parts, NIP and Mint never been used.
xD Every outing, every outing
Congratulations Blitz for wining the tournament.
(Apr. 16, 2011  6:00 PM)ThePokeBlader Wrote: [ -> ]Im Also Missing £5 XD

Didnt you lose something at the last tornament ; meteo l drago was it. congrats Blitz
Get one started your self if you are that desperate xD
none wants to come ; have a look ive made a thread Pinching_eyes
(Apr. 16, 2011  6:39 PM)poseidon Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 16, 2011  6:00 PM)ThePokeBlader Wrote: [ -> ]Im Also Missing £5 XD

Didnt you lose something at the last tornament ; meteo l drago was it. congrats Blitz

Yes I Did And The Unofficial One I Lost a Beylauncher LR
(Apr. 16, 2011  6:49 PM)poseidon Wrote: [ -> ]none wants to come ; have a look ive made a thread Pinching_eyes

Thread for what?Speechless
A Northern tournament but anyway I don't really want to be off topic and flood the topic so is it possible if we just keep this about the tournament which happened today only? Well obviously if you want to compare it to pass tournaments etc you can.

*I feel like a PaRaIaCaK* (I hate "a"'s)
(Apr. 16, 2011  6:00 PM)RAW Wrote: [ -> ]Well it was kinda carp; Poison Horogium 145 DS. It was in my bag but now after this event I have convinced my Mum to let me take my Bey Carrier case (The Same as Control_'s and Blade Storms's), before she was too embarrassed to go on the train with me carrying loads of Beys xD.

And good thing is that she said that she will reimburse me of my Beys so I will be selling quite a few parts, NIP and Mint never been used.
xD Every outing, every outing
Gasp If that was me i would of cryed Crying Are you just going to buy the parts single?
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