World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Regents Restricted Roundup [16/04/11] - LIMIT REACHED!
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(Apr. 13, 2011  10:59 AM)mckenzie1 Wrote: [ -> ], how do i get in the tournament i dont now how its my frst time so can you tall me how Eee

you cant get in now its too late but, you can still come to this for the free battles i think :\
that is deep so no one es can come
I think you can still come but not be in the official torney and there whould be no chance in getting in the official torney if you only sign up for the reserves now :\
If you want to do free play and be there for the sake of it you can go if you want.

BTW directions are on the first page or I think if you go on the WBO index and go to the tournaments link on the left.
I might not be able to come it's a 50% chance i'll be able to come.
(Apr. 14, 2011  12:16 PM)Ultimate Zero Wrote: [ -> ]I might not be able to come it's a 50% chance i'll be able to come.

Your on the reserves list, i dont think it matters seen as your so far down.
(Apr. 14, 2011  1:13 PM)-KsB-UcHiHa- Wrote: [ -> ]Your on the reserves list, i dont think it matters seen as your so far down.

You might be right I am far down.
Come anyway because if somebody shows up late or doesn't come at all you can take their place if you are the next reserve on he list who is there. Even if you don't get to play, the more the merrier. Wink

I got ninja'd Gasp
Ok thanks.
I feel compelled to reveal my team, I shall now publicize it;

Flame Byxis SW145 (In attack) WD

Basalt Kerbecs DF145 SD

Hell Wolf BD145 WD

These are a mix between stamina and defense as you may notice. If I get my L Drago Reshuffle tomorrow on Saturday morning then you may be seeing a whole different team.
Great some more Stamina......

On a Happier note Good Luck tomorrow May the Best Man (Or Girl) Earn the WBO Heavyweight Belt!
Ikr it is actually great to see loads of were being sarcstic wern't you?...Well this embarrising...

Good Luck to you to and evertyone attending, THAT BELT WILL BE MINE!
Good luck to everyone but I cant come I have to study for my SAT'S in may.Let the best blader win.
(Apr. 15, 2011  1:47 PM)Ultimate Zero Wrote: [ -> ]Good luck to everyone but I cant come I have to study for my SAT'S in may.Let the best blader win.
I have SATS as well, i'm still going to the tournament for free play maybe, i guess your more educated then i am! Haha!
Anyway good luck to everyone.
Bit dumb to scrap sats just for yr6 but anyway we are getting off topic.

Tomorrow, YAY! Got my all my stuff ready, it is just the matter of fact of getting there.
I might be able but theres a 75.5% I cant come.
xd Just tell us in the morning ifyou are coming or not instead of flooding the thread.
Here in the UK, our meta-game is revolved mainly around stamina types since we all pretty much know attack types shrivel to death against defense types so we might as well go for stamina. That's why I've come up with a whole new game plan...
If I had my L Drago Reshuffle in time I would of owned with my team.
(Apr. 15, 2011  3:26 PM)RAW Wrote: [ -> ]Bit dumb to scrap sats just for yr6 but anyway we are getting off topic.

Tomorrow, YAY! Got my all my stuff ready, it is just the matter of fact of getting there.

Yeah, i think on the train from where i live (Croydon) to regents park it is £20.00! Well i guess its not that much but still... Angry
(Apr. 15, 2011  10:56 PM)RAW Wrote: [ -> ]If I had my L Drago Reshuffle in time I would of owned with my team.

Yeah you know that!
Is it Finished?

I noticed RAW's Past Tense. Is it?

Time is Different here and I seriously cannot be Bothered Checking Londons Time.
(Apr. 15, 2011  11:37 PM)Chupa Chups Wrote: [ -> ]Is it Finished?

I noticed RAW's Past Tense. Is it?

Time is Different here and I seriously cannot be Bothered Checking Londons Time.
Are you serious? Your a day off mate :s

Yeh just remember we're in front of you, but not by a whole day...
It's mid-night 15th.
Hey everyone!
Looking forward to today, I should be at the Bandstand a little earlier to try get some practise in haha. Anyway see you all later!
Then hopefully I can join with you. My Mum and Grandma are also coming -.- I told them to just by the lake or something.
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