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hey no, my first mold is sonokong, as well as the second one,

but iirc, i saw a guy selling takaras and people getting mold 2, anyone buying takaras should post here
I bought Takara and my shop imports beys from Hong Kong. Although that, i get Mold 1. Very weird Speechless
I bought Takara's BB-80 just recently and I get Mold 1 and both of the Gravities from the URS are Mold 1 as well.
I bought a sonokong 1 and it is mold 1
Just to make sure : everyone knows that what is called "mold 1" is the Metal Wheel at the bottom of the latest picture Yamislayer posted ? And that the one on top is "mold 2" ?
oh right i got mold 2 but i reckon it looks better Tongue_out
hrm i just weighed my two gravity wheels, one from hk version and one japanese. they actually weighed the same. avg 33.5g give or take a tenth or two. they both have a A1 code on the wheel. guess mine two are the same. or nothing dramatically different.
Phew i got mold 1. Weird... So maybe tests on momo's medusa's beheader with both molds?
yes kai-v, you're right.

thanks guys.
okay i realised the molds come at rdmn
me and my friend went to the same shop
at the EXACT SAME TIME the guy got it only like 5 days ago imported
we bought 1 TT and 1 sono kong each

awkwardly he had mold 2's and i had mold 1's
i really think its rdmn
I've bought 2 TT Ultimate Reshuffle Sets, 2 TT Gravity Perseus starters, and a SonoKong starter.

They were categorised into Molds 1 and 2 by TT and SK.
Mold 1 was TT, mold 2 was SK.
(Mar. 11, 2011  8:22 PM)Yamislayer Wrote: [ -> ]I've been knowing this from a lot of time but i could never take pictures of it,
but finally i borrowed a gravity mold 2 so i could take those pics.

here they are.
the first mold is the heavier one, steal spin ability seems to be lot better in first mold.
In second mold, the recoil produced is a good amount, but the lightweight of the second mold is kinda risky

In the first couple of pictures is the one on top mold 2?
(Mar. 18, 2011  2:25 AM)trumpetblade Wrote: [ -> ]In the first couple of pictures is the one on top mold 2?

Yes for the first picture. Image 2 is of Mold 1. Image 3 is of Mold 2.
I have a TAKARA-TOMY Gravity Metal Wheel and it is Mold 1.
(Mar. 21, 2011  7:10 PM)Electric Wrote: [ -> ]I have a TAKARA-TOMY Gravity Metal Wheel and it is Mold 1.

Yes, I do believe everyone else who has a TT Gravity is in the same situation, as stated in the previous pages of posts.
sorry , my bad, in those pics the mold 2 is the one on the top.
(Mar. 21, 2011  7:15 PM)BladeStorm Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 21, 2011  7:10 PM)Electric Wrote: [ -> ]I have a TAKARA-TOMY Gravity Metal Wheel and it is Mold 1.

Yes, I do believe everyone else who has a TT Gravity is in the same situation, as stated in the previous pages of posts.

Also, My cousin recently got a Sonokong Gravity Mold 1 too...
So is it safe to say that the mold change is only for Sonokong's newer Gravity? Cos from the looks of it, TT one just has the same mold.
(Mar. 22, 2011  12:34 PM)Electric Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 21, 2011  7:15 PM)BladeStorm Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 21, 2011  7:10 PM)Electric Wrote: [ -> ]I have a TAKARA-TOMY Gravity Metal Wheel and it is Mold 1.

Yes, I do believe everyone else who has a TT Gravity is in the same situation, as stated in the previous pages of posts.

Also, My cousin recently got a Sonokong Gravity Mold 1 too...

I don't get what you mean, I didn't mention anything about SonoKong.
(Mar. 22, 2011  3:47 PM)BladeStorm Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 22, 2011  12:34 PM)Electric Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 21, 2011  7:15 PM)BladeStorm Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 21, 2011  7:10 PM)Electric Wrote: [ -> ]I have a TAKARA-TOMY Gravity Metal Wheel and it is Mold 1.

Yes, I do believe everyone else who has a TT Gravity is in the same situation, as stated in the previous pages of posts.

Also, My cousin recently got a Sonokong Gravity Mold 1 too...

I don't get what you mean, I didn't mention anything about SonoKong.

You didn't say anything about Sonokong, I know. I do not exactly know why I quoted you're post, Maybe because it's related to what I posted...
Yay, I got The First Mold It is my 3RD First Mold
I never Knew That Gravity Could Spin Steal
in the gravity reshuffle set i got from dimsum, hong kong version, the two wheels weigh around 33 grams.
Oh dang I traded my gb145 for a gravity persues and it was a mould 2 Unhappy No wonder it loses stamina quick and is light...
I (My brother actually tbh) have a mold 2 Gravity. Which is strange, cause I got it 1-2 months ago.
Ah well, getting the GPerseus URS soon so don't need to worry. I'm pretty sure this is at random, or it more likely has something to do with WHEN the bey was produced, cause you could've got it yesterday and it's been there for 2 months.
I thought this sonokong gravity lacked gravity, also, their perseus cw is different to tt reshuffle defense perseus. I posted a photo in beyblade random thoughts a few days back, with details.

On the upside, sk gravity is symmetrical, therefore more visually pleasing (on a sub conscious level anyway), so it's good for what I'm using it for. Lucky for the kid I bought it for that I decided to get an attack ver for him off ebay instead, and sub that in in exchange for the facebolt, cw and mw.
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