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(Apr. 05, 2011  4:47 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]I thought this sonokong gravity lacked gravity, also, their perseus cw is different to tt reshuffle defense perseus. I posted a photo in beyblade random thoughts a few days back, with details.

On the upside, sk gravity is symmetrical, therefore more visually pleasing (on a sub conscious level anyway), so it's good for what I'm using it for. Lucky for the kid I bought it for that I decided to get an attack ver for him off ebay instead, and sub that in in exchange for the facebolt, cw and mw.

Personally, I find my (SonoKong) Gravity badly cut and not really symmetrical ... The TAKARA-TOMY Gravity must be way worse then, if you say that it is less symmetrical.
It's not actually symmetrical in that if you look at it, each face/side has slopes that carry on through the design. However, the songkong one lacks this.
Have a look at the OP, note that one of the "bulges" on the right side of the "jaw" of the TT mold is larger, while the Sonokong one is equal on both sides. I might be able to take photos later to show this, if you'd like?
I mean, the SK version still has some slopes, but they don't carry the line through the "jaw" parts Smile
That may not be the best way to explain it, uhh, grab your gravity wheels, and look at the "facets" either side of the jaw where the stickers go, you'll note the right side is different to the left, far moreso on Mold 1/TT

EDIT: Though yes, most sonokong wheels aren't well cut, and have at least little bits of metal left over. You should see my second sonokong Ray. The top and bottom part don't match up right at all.
yay even though I bought mine in December its mold 1 as i see it and it weighs 33 grams so I know for sure Smile but wouldn't the smooth surface mean less recoil ???
Which mold is "smoother"? If you're referring to the sonokong version, increased weight does a lot for reducing recoil (but not SMASH) of a wheel, so it would suffer more recoil, unless the shape was quite different, that'd be a far larger factor.

But I don't get wha tyou mean by one being "smoother"

(Mar. 11, 2011  11:08 PM)ikmv Wrote: [ -> ]You get mold two if you buy a SonoKong Perseus. Mold one is from TT. I noticed this more so since I have ordered multiple perseus's and the only difference is TT and sonokong. The reshuffle set has mold 1 type metal wheels btw. Take a look at the clear wheels also. The TT clear wheels have an slight incline rather then being flat and straight , I do not know if I exclaimed it correctly.

And yep, that sounds about right, ikmv. I thought it might be because I had a reshuffle defense CW and a Starter CW, but it appears it's a mold difference done to suit the wheels (as if you try a mold 2 perseus on mold 1 wheel, it doesn't sit as well as a mold 1 perseus).
Here's a link to my description (warning, the image in that spoiler is HUUUUGE):
I meant the second mold and yeah i get what your trying to say but like with hell as much weight as it has it still has recoil we should discuss this in another forum perhaps in the mfb tiers list even though i doubt it will fit in
Then that is probably due to the shape, though using a metal face or rubber tip or other heavy parts should result in you being able to deliver that recoil to the opponent instead. As Yamislayer said, Mold 2 is easier to KO, due to lightness. The recoil from the shape of Mold 1 is easier to control, and so you can redirect it at your opponent. It's rather hard to describe, but yeah. It's a mix between overall weight, weight distribution, and shape (along with various speeds, but that's mainly the launcher or weight distribution anyway).
Anyway, mold one is really the first choice in all cases, as Galaxy stated.
I've used mold one Gravity more than any other wheel, it's recoil isn't as bad as people seem to believe. I thought this mold difference might explain it, but yeah, maybe not. I can't explain everything Tongue_out

If you want do continue this discussion but aren't sure if this is the right place, PM me your response, and I'll either try to explain, work out whether it belongs here, or find somewhere else to carry on (Beyblade random thoughts is probably the best bet). Right now, though, as we're discussing each mold properties, I believe we're on topic.
Something kinda strange:

I have three different Gravity Wheels. Two are from BB-80 Gravity Perseus AD145WD, purchased from Japan. My final one which I obtained today, is from BB-109 RB7, from eBay, but most likely from Japan, since I don't think Hong Kong have 4D yet anyway (probably inconsequential at this point anyway).

Takara Tomy BB-80 Mold 1 Gravity, Stickers
[Image: oFESO.png] [Image: J4g8y.png]

Takara Tomy BB-80 Mold 1 Gravity, Paint Stripped, No Stickers
[Image: NHDwf.png] [Image: MtTVf.png]

Takara Tomy BB-109 Mold 2 Gravity
[Image: EVzMB.png] [Image: 9XtG6.png]

Well firstly, I thought it was super weird that one of my Gravitys gained mass despite stripping it with paint, but the reason for this post is that even though I have obtained an alternative mold, it seems that the weight difference isn't all that significant, and in fact, is actually an increase. Perhaps this is mold 3? It's obvious that this doesn't have the ridge which makes it mold 1, but it doesn't weigh as little as the mold 2s which were recorded earlier. It's not out of the question for TT to do this of course, but interesting regardless.
Does the mold '3' exhibit a significant attack difference? And how does the wheel with paint weigh less than without? Is it the same wheel? If it isn't, it could just be human error.
(May. 11, 2011  8:39 PM)♥ Wrote: [ -> ]My final one which I obtained today, is from BB-109 RB7, from eBay, but most likely from Japan, since I don't think Hong Kong have 4D yet anyway (probably inconsequential at this point anyway).
Sorry for being off-topic, but just check the sides. If one of them has the BeyPoint Card advertisement on it, then it's from Japan. If neither of them has the BeyPoint Card advertisement on it, then it's from Hong Kong. If it's a RB like this the BeyPoint Card advertisement will be on the back instead on one of the sides. (They need the sides for showing the beyblades you can get.)

To not make this post totally off-topic, my TT Gravity I got about a month ago is Mold 1.
(May. 11, 2011  9:15 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]Does the mold '3' exhibit a significant attack difference? And how does the wheel with paint weigh less than without? Is it the same wheel? If it isn't, it could just be human error.

The first two are no big deal, it's just a slight variation in weight. This is quite common, all wheels vary in weight from wheel to wheel.
The main thing is that while the last one looks like a second mold qheel, it weighs as much as/more than first mold wheels.

But yeah, heart, does "mold 3" perform noticeably different to mold 1 at all?
I've noticed the same thing with Earth wheels. My earth wheels are Mold 1 physically, yet the weights are almost as heavy as Mold 2. It could be the same case as this gravity wheels.

For the case of the gravity,

Possibility: Newer production is based on the latest mold (2), yet materials are slightly altered to give similar weights to the original mold (1).
(May. 11, 2011  9:15 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]Does the mold '3' exhibit a significant attack difference? And how does the wheel with paint weigh less than without? Is it the same wheel? If it isn't, it could just be human error.

Unlikely, since I weighed each one at least twice and they all look different from each other, anyway.

(May. 12, 2011  6:21 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]The first two are no big deal, it's just a slight variation in weight. This is quite common, all wheels vary in weight from wheel to wheel.
The main thing is that while the last one looks like a second mold qheel, it weighs as much as/more than first mold wheels.

But yeah, heart, does "mold 3" perform noticeably different to mold 1 at all?

Yeah - although it's weird that my stripped Wheel weighs more, I'm sure there's a logical reason for it. Besides, we're talking .02g, anyway. My statement was probably misleading - it's possible my stripped Wheel didn't gain weight at all.

(May. 12, 2011  7:13 AM)Uwik Wrote: [ -> ]I've noticed the same thing with Earth wheels. My earth wheels are Mold 1 physically, yet the weights are almost as heavy as Mold 2. It could be the same case as this gravity wheels.

For the case of the gravity,

Possibility: Newer production is based on the latest mold (2), yet materials are slightly altered to give similar weights to the original mold (1).

This is what I think too - When you consider the weight discrepancy between the two, 4.1g, it's likely that Takara Tomy are moving to correct this.

I haven't tested it yet, sorry.
I'm not convinced it's necessarily different materials. ♥, do you have a mold 2 at all to compare mold 3 with? Also, what is the number/letter code on the underside of mold 3?
Basically, Mold 2 appears to be thinner, and hence lighter. I kinda suspect that MAYBE mold 3 is thicker... But yeah. Given it's slightly less bumpy than mold 1, maybe it'll be slightly less bad at defence, with Perseus (Stamina Ver.).

Also, if only you'd weighed the stripped wheel before stripping it Tongue_out

Do we have any evidence that any wheels are actually made with different compositions? Because I'd think that would increase costs hugely over using a uniform material for all of them. Yeah, there are variations from wheel to wheel, probably based on slight differences in the actual composition from wheel to wheel, as obviously, it's not going to be that tightly controlled, there'll be fluctuations, though obviously they'd have reasonably strict tolerances so we didn't get wheels way too light or a Basalt that is actually 50 grams. But remember, we ARE talking "Kids Toys" here. It's not going to be super-tight, we will get fluctuations.

So yeah, for the first (stripped vs non stripped) I'm saying fluctuation. For the Mold 3, I'm guessing it's thicker than mold 2, or something. I dunno. Looking at that compared to your mold 1, it looks a bit thicker, but that could be the angles and stuff. But yeah.
I have a BB-109 Gravity Perseus BD145XF, and that Gravity looks a lot like Mold 2 to me, It's very neatly cut, I have a Mold 1 to compare to. My friend also owns a Mold 2. I can try to test the difference between Gravity [the one I have] with Mold 2 to check if it's Mold 3. And, I'll also know if Mold 3 is better.
I'd be more interested in knowing if mold 3 is better than mold 1. It should be easy to tell the difference between mold 2/3 and mold 1, from pictures already in this thread.
Do you have any scales, if so (even if they're only to the nearest gram), can you weigh your mold 3?
(May. 14, 2011  12:10 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Do you have any scales, if so (even if they're only to the nearest gram), can you weigh your mold 3?

Was this addressed to me ?

If so, I can weigh it, but I am not sure if mine is Mold 3.
If you got it in BB-109, I'd think it is. The whole post was addressed to you Tongue_out Have a look, the key difference is a kind of "valley" or line on the smooth, slanted "band" of metal on the sides (basically, the parts that aren't "jaws"). If it has a pronounced "valley", then it's mold 1, if it's less visible (than your mold 1) it's likely, mold 2/3. Heck, if you post a picture of it side on, I can probably tell you if it's mold 1 or mold 2/3.

Even simpler, it's shown in the last picture in the First post of this thread, that's what you should be looking for. Also, ♥'s pictures on page 3 show it too Smile

That and the weight will likely tell us which mold, I guess.

But yeah, I'm guessing it's mold 3, so a weight would be awesome either way.
yess Thank for You SoMuch! Joyful_2Joyful_2


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(May. 14, 2011  2:45 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]If you got it in BB-109, I'd think it is. The whole post was addressed to you Tongue_out Have a look, the key difference is a kind of "valley" or line on the smooth, slanted "band" of metal on the sides (basically, the parts that aren't "jaws"). If it has a pronounced "valley", then it's mold 1, if it's less visible (than your mold 1) it's likely, mold 2/3. Heck, if you post a picture of it side on, I can probably tell you if it's mold 1 or mold 2/3.

Even simpler, it's shown in the last picture in the First post of this thread, that's where you should be looking.

That and the weight will likely tell us which mold, I guess.

But yeah, I'm guessing it's mold 3, so a weight would be awesome either way.

My Kitchen weighing scale says 35.08 , I guess my Weighing scale is a bit off ? And, the way you described it, it is a Mold 3.

If it helps, I will compare weights with my Mold 1 and Mold 2, on you're requests.
Strongly leaning towards it being mold 3 now Tongue_out

And yeah, comparative weights would be good Smile
(May. 14, 2011  2:54 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Strongly leaning towards it being mold 3 now Tongue_out

And yeah, comparative weights would be good Smile

Haha, yeah, it's probably mold 3.

Mold 1: 34.64
Mold 2: 34.11
Mold 3:34.93 [Yes, it changed, because I re-weighed it, I knew my scale was off]

Yeah, That's it. Again, Kitchen Weighing scale used.
That's a heavy mold 2 Confused
But yeah, Mold 3, definitely Tongue_out Thanks very much for the weights.
(May. 14, 2011  5:13 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]That's a heavy mold 2 Confused
But yeah, Mold 3, definitely Tongue_out Thanks very much for the weights.

My mold 2 is the lightest of all of my other Gravity wheels.

Isn't it supposed to be the lightest ?
Yeah, but that's a really small margin, if you look at the OP, it's about 4 Grams, and mine are noticeably different in weight as well Confused
Just got my rbv7 set, both gravities are mold 1, I lack a good set of scales, though. But they're mold 1 , with a1 and a2 ubderneath, like my perseus reshuffle ones. Same reinforcement points and all. Can people with mold 3 post some clear underside shots for me?
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