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My Gravity Perseus I got from my sister (starter) is mold 2. It was bought a few months ago. The one I got from a trade which is from RBV7 is either Mold 1 or Mold 3. Grin

EDIT: I'm going to weigh them tomorrow at my uncle's Dairy Queen. XD
(May. 20, 2011  10:40 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Just got my rbv7 set, both gravities are mold 1, I lack a good set of scales, though. But they're mold 1 , with a1 and a2 ubderneath, like my perseus reshuffle ones. Same reinforcement points and all. Can people with mold 3 post some clear underside shots for me?

Mold 1
Mold 3
Thanks <3!

Hmm, I've not actually got an A4, only 2 A-1's, 2 A-2's and one Mold 2 A-1. That said, my Mold 1 ones are URS ones.
And, your mold 3 one is A1, so hmm.
Okay, so all the reinforcement points are the same on all TT Gravity wheels, it seems.

Actually, JUST NOTICED SOMETHING. Your Mold-3 doesn't actually look identical to my Mold 2. My mold 2 is almost perfectly round ALL the way around, any indent at all around the perimeter is barely noticeable. There's an extremely slight one between the "Sloped" part and the Jaws sections, whereas on your it appears closer to mold one...
I do note variations in the creases you went by, too, it's also worth noting that they can disappear over multiple battles.

I might be able to get pictures in the next couple of days to show what I mean, but I'm starting to think "Mold 3" may just be Mold 1...

It is literally impossible for those two to be the same molds.
Well, I have Gravity wheels that only have half the crease. But yeah, you're probably right. At least though, mold 3 isn't exactly like mold 2.
Gravity Mold 1 (RBV7): 33.73
Gravity Mold 2 (Starter): 28.37g
thnx for the info Joyful_3 so sad i have 4 gravity perseus and all of them are mold 2 >:[
How did you manage that?
I have the Gravity Perseus AD145WD Starter (Hong Kong) and the Ultimate Reshuffle Set Gravity Perseus Ver. (Hong Kong)

and both have the 1st mold of Gravity
thanx its good u did that lol
(May. 30, 2011  1:24 AM)hentist Wrote: [ -> ]I have the Gravity Perseus AD145WD Starter (Hong Kong) and the Ultimate Reshuffle Set Gravity Perseus Ver. (Hong Kong)

and both have the 1st mold of Gravity

wow i have
a japanese ver
a singapore/ asia ver
reshuffle set , hk
all mold 2 >:[
I managed to get some tests done, it was lots of fun, I hope it was accurate.

Standard Procedure

Gravity Perseus D125RF [Right Spin, Counter Mode, Mold 3] vs. MF Basalt Bull BD145CS

Gravity Perseus D125RF win rate: 75% [15 KO, 0 OS]
MF Basalt Bull BD145CS win rate: 25% [1 KO, 3 OS]

Gravity Perseus D125RF [Right Spin, Counter Mode, Mold 1] vs. MF Basalt Bull BD145CS

Gravity Perseus D125RF win rate: 65% [13 KO, 0 OS]
MF Basalt Bull BD145CS win rate: 35% [3 KO, 4 OS]

Gravity [Mold 3] seemed to be effected a lot by BD145, then suddenly comes back to normal, with lesser RPM. It's really interesting to see how MF Basalt Bull BD145CS goes flying out. It seems to hit extremely hard, and the sharp points were the main point of Smash.

So Mold 3 is slightly better ?

I hope this was helpful.
Electric, could you pretty please post side-on pics of your wheels?
And do remember, BB-109 Mold 1 is apparently as heavy as Mold 3 (according to my scales, BB-109 mold 1 is 1g heavier than URS Mold 1, though they're only accurate to the nearest gram so yeah), which set was mold 1 from?
I'm surprised gravity go such high win rates Tongue_out And Electric what did you get your gravity with ? Gravity Perseus(stam) 85DS or GP (ATK) BD145XF?
FWIW, I don't think which blade within RBV7 they came from makes a difference, for example, both of mine (one from each) were Mold 1.
RustyXD, I got my Gravity [Mold 3] with Gravity Perseus [ATK] BD145XF.

Oh that reminds me, I was using the Attack version of Perseus on Gravity [Mold 3] Perseus D125RF, and the normal Perseus on Mold 1, does that make a hell of a difference ?

th!nk, My Mold 1 is the original Gravity Perseus, that I got from TAKARA-TOMY about 3-4 months back. You remember when you yourself told me its definitely a Mold 3.
My mold 3 is about 34.93 and my Mold 1 is 34.64. I am sure it's a mold 3 too.

I'll try posting pictures though.
I may have been mistaken, though if it looked exactly like <3's pictures side-on (totally smooth in that section), then yeah, it's mold 3. If so, don't bother posting pics Tongue_out
It's just since then I got two mold 1's from BB109.

And using attack on one makes a HUGE difference, so I'd suggest you re-test and remove the old results Confused
(Jun. 01, 2011  10:42 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]I may have been mistaken, though if it looked exactly like <3's pictures side-on (totally smooth in that section), then yeah, it's mold 3. If so, don't bother posting pics Tongue_out
It's just since then I got two mold 1's from BB109.

And using attack on one makes a HUGE difference, so I'd suggest you re-test and remove the old results Confused

Yeah, it looks EXACTLY like ♥'s pictures.

It makes a huge difference ? Great.... so I have to do re-tests.... Or can I just use the Attack Perseus on Mold 1,and then re-test Mold 1 ? Its hard to do the whole thing all over again.
Yes. You can just put attack one onto Mold 1 and re-test it. It would be great if you could re-do it all but either way is fine.
Standard Procedure

Gravity Perseus D125RF [Right Spin, Counter Mode, Mold 3] vs. MF Basalt Bull BD145CS

Gravity Perseus D125RF win rate: 70% [14 KO, 0 OS]
MF Basalt Bull BD145CS win rate: 30% [2 KO, 4 OS]

Gravity Perseus D125RF [Right Spin, Counter Mode, Mold 1] vs. MF Basalt Bull BD145CS

Gravity Perseus D125RF win rate: 65% [13 KO, 0 OS]
MF Basalt Bull BD145CS win rate: 35% [3 KO, 4 OS]

I changed the Attack clear wheel on Mold 3 to a normal Perseus. It was only a one match difference, but I could tell, the KO's with the Attack clear wheel were much more impressive.
The new matches were kinda stale....

The Mold 1's results were the same as last time, because I didn't re-test Mold 1, All I did was 20 battles without an Perseus Attack on Mold 3.
That's a tiny difference, TBH. That said, nice to have a comparison between ATK and DEF perseus Tongue_out

WAIT, since when was Gravity Perseus D125RF able to beat BasaltBD145 consistently?!?!?!
Maybe it's because you're using MF instead of MF-H. Looks like I need to play around more, I haven't used gravity in right spin in ages... Were you using a metal face on gravity?
Also, what brand was the Bull?

Sorry for the questions, I just noticed what you're testing against, which is a combo that should destroy Gravity. If your results are accurate, I'mma do some of my own testing and if it confirms, Gravity would have to go back on the top tier list...

I'll see if I can test URS Mold 1 vs the heavier BB-109 Mold 1, if I can manage to take my Stadium on holidays with me Uncertain

And yes, ATK perseus is a slight improvement, but it's an obvious one, and it lets you reliably beat some things that DEF can't. Plus, there's no real downside to using it, TBH.
(Jun. 03, 2011  1:39 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]That's a tiny difference, TBH. That said, nice to have a comparison between ATK and DEF perseus Tongue_out

WAIT, since when was Gravity Perseus D125RF able to beat BasaltBD145 consistently?!?!?!
Maybe it's because you're using MF instead of MF-H. Looks like I need to play around more, I haven't used gravity in right spin in ages... Were you using a metal face on gravity?
Also, what brand was the Bull?

Sorry for the questions, I just noticed what you're testing against, which is a combo that should destroy Gravity. If your results are accurate, I'mma do some of my own testing and if it confirms, Gravity would have to go back on the top tier list...

I'll see if I can test URS Mold 1 vs the heavier BB-109 Mold 1, if I can manage to take my Stadium on holidays with me Uncertain

And yes, ATK perseus is a slight improvement, but it's an obvious one, and it lets you reliably beat some things that DEF can't. Plus, there's no real downside to using it, TBH.
It's not the DEF one, it's the one that comes with the original starter.

There was no Metal Face on the Gravity combo. The brand was the Hasbro bull.

My results were definitely accurate. Or is it that my Defense launch is really bad ? I did a straight shot for the Defense type.

Also, when was Gravity taken off? They are deciding on putting Gravity on the list, but they can't find a suitable track for it.
Original/Normal Perseus = Perseus DEF, they're identical.

Should be fine, I'll see if I can try it out sometime, but I can't guarantee it Tongue_out

Last revision, I think. Needs to stay on, it's better than vulcan, anyway.
(Jun. 03, 2011  5:07 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Original/Normal Perseus = Perseus DEF, they're identical.

Should be fine, I'll see if I can try it out sometime, but I can't guarantee it Tongue_out

Last revision, I think. Needs to stay on, it's better than vulcan, anyway.

Oh, I didn't know, thanks for correcting me.

Alright, we see if you're results match mine.

It is definitely better than Vulcan, It'll surely go back up there.
Apparently they're just working out the tracks list, it'll be up soon.

It might be a few days, as I may not be able to take my stadium with me on holidays, but it's that, my guitar, or my dog, so yeah. Remind me on Wednesday, though.

Of course, both of mine will be mold 1, so yeah, though I'd think mold 1 would have marginal extra smash anyway, at the same weight. Maybe.
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