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I've been knowing this from a lot of time but i could never take pictures of it,
but finally i borrowed a gravity mold 2 so i could take those pics.

here they are.
the first mold is the heavier one, steal spin ability seems to be lot better in first mold.
In second mold, the recoil produced is a good amount, but the lightweight of the second mold is kinda risky
Thanx Yami!
But did it need it's own thread?
Dang didnt know there were different molds. Gonna check mine out.
well, i talked to kai-v about that and she told me she didn't know anything about the 2 molds,
and i was talking about creating a thread about it, she never told me not to do so.
and here's the thread xD
So how do you know if you're Gravity is which mold? I don't have two Gravity's to compare with each other, And my weighing scale is a bit screwed...
(Mar. 11, 2011  8:29 PM)Electric Wrote: [ -> ]So how do you know if you're Gravity is which mold? I don't have two Gravity's to compare with each other, And my weighing scale is a bit screwed...

See the shape Wink
look at the last pic, the surface in first mold isn't smooth.
Which Mold Is Best For Attack?
(Mar. 11, 2011  8:32 PM)ThePokeBlader Wrote: [ -> ]Which Mold Is Best For Attack?
In my opinion,the first is the better choice in any situation!
(Mar. 11, 2011  8:32 PM)ThePokeBlader Wrote: [ -> ]Which Mold Is Best For Attack?
Well the first mold is heavy, so probably less recoil when it attacks, while Mold 2 has more recoil when attacking, but more attack power.
Also the cam is focused on ur fingersWink
the lower one is the first mold
Probably best to put those pictures in spoilers as they are large.
I definitely did not know the mold difference, where can you get the first mold? Is it random..?
Great thread! I wondered why my old gravity didnt look like the ones on the box.
the first mold is simply old.
if you bought perseus recently, you'll most likely have mold 2.

adding spoilers anyway
wow, that's a huge weight difference.
(Mar. 11, 2011  8:43 PM)Yamislayer Wrote: [ -> ]the first mold is simply old.
if you bought perseus recently, you'll most likely have mold 2.

i got mine a couple months ago and it is mold 1 (it has the shape and weight of mold 1)
Can you take pictures of the underside of the Wheels, or is there really no difference when looking from underneath ?
as long as i remember, the underneath is pretty much the same.

The main problem is that i don't have both gravity molds here.

oh forgot to mention, but mold 1 clear wheels weight is 2.6, mold 2 weight is 2.4
(tried with 2 mold 1 and 2 mold 2)
Dang, should've bought a Perseus sooner. Now I'll be stuck with mold 2 if I buy... Hopefully someone will still have stock of mold 1? That's definitely a huge difference.
I have mold two unfortunately, but i bought it for the track tip and facebolt
I bought Perseus last week, but i got Mold 1. Very weird O.O
You get mold two if you buy a SonoKong Perseus. Mold one is from TT. I noticed this more so since I have ordered multiple perseus's and the only difference is TT and sonokong. The reshuffle set has mold 1 type metal wheels btw. Take a look at the clear wheels also. The TT clear wheels have an slight incline rather then being flat and straight , I do not know if I exclaimed it correctly.
(Mar. 11, 2011  11:08 PM)ikmv Wrote: [ -> ]You get mold two if you buy a SonoKong Perseus. Mold one is from TT. I noticed this more so since I have ordered multiple perseus's and the only difference is TT and sonokong. The reshuffle set has mold 1 type metal wheels btw. Take a look at the clear wheels also. The TT clear wheels have an slight incline rather then being flat and straight , I do not know if I exclaimed it correctly.

Thank god. I'm going to be on the lookout for a TT Perseus. Thanks ikmv!
Fissure-sized mass differences there. I have 3 Mold 1s and sold off the Mold 2 without bothering to examine it properly Unhappy

Looks like I need to get myself a mold 2 to compare with and test both thoroughly.
following up with what ikmv said. I bought two gravity perseus's myself. I have a hongkong version and a japanese version. looks like my japanese version which i bought from akirasdaddy, is the first mold. and the hong kong version is the second mold.

the second mold is much smoother and uninterrupted around the circumference of the metal wheel while the first mold has more pronounced ridges and dips.
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