World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Brooklyn, NY] 3/27/11 In like a Leone, Out like an Aries
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Can you post IKMV's bonus rounds?
I was gonna ask if you wanted me to send them to an email address or something but yea I can post em.

please do! Actually, can you get Adam to send me his stuff from the last two tournaments?
Yea asked him a few times before but hes really busy with work, school, and his music career. I might just go to his house and take his camera lmao
DO EET. I need the footage by like, next week. I'm compiling everything.
kk no prob. I'll upload all my footy to my computer but you prolly wont get it til tomorrow cuz im about to passout lol
no worries, I'm almost there, too. @__@ I've lost my voice after all of that yelling. We had to stop for straight up ice on the way home because my throat was so swollen.
Oi, I feel ya about a week and a half ago I had the flu. It was killer. But yea I'll have the footy up soon.
At least you weren't the guy that had the med mask on his face for nearly the WHOLE tourney. Yeah, you guys are the winners, having to recover from a fever the next day, not having his tournament blades and losing in the 3 round. I'm never going to listen to Deikailo again, she made me suffer enough. On the other hand, I got the Grav Perseus set from my cuz and I got some killer combos even without my tournament blades. Hey, you win some, you lose some.
(Mar. 28, 2011  4:11 AM)Shippudenface Wrote: [ -> ]Oh I saw some kid using that part today! Sky did you lend it to a little kid? Some kid was using basalt 230EWD

hmm, no, i showed him the combo he had a beafowl of his own and i asked him to try it on someone. >:3
(Mar. 28, 2011  5:13 AM)ArmorD-00taku Wrote: [ -> ]At least you weren't the guy that had the med mask on his face for nearly the WHOLE tourney. Yeah, you guys are the winners, having to recover from a fever the next day, not having his tournament blades and losing in the 3 round. I'm never going to listen to Deikailo again, she made me suffer enough. On the other hand, I got the Grav Perseus set from my cuz and I got some killer combos even without my tournament blades. Hey, you win some, you lose some.
I lost fourth so don't think I did much better. I call health clause! My matches don't count.

Oh, if only...
This tourney must've literally been the SICKEST Brooklyn tournament the WBO ever hosted. lol
No one ever realized I had the X on my Med Mask. I thought some people would recognize it but I guess they just don't got good taste in Vocaloid. *Sigh Tired
Ah. Secret Police? Shoot, now I wish I was at this tourney to see it. But I'd rather not get sick two weeks before my audition...
(Mar. 28, 2011  6:18 AM)Kaji Motomiya Wrote: [ -> ]Ah. Secret Police? Shoot, now I wish I was at this tourney to see it. But I'd rather not get sick two weeks before my audition...

Ahh, Finally! Someone with good taste in music. I thank thee, but I never met you in person, which tournament you goin to.
I'll be photographying (or is it photographing) in Kinonomi's Heaven Shattering tournament in Manhatten.

And I've listened to the song, but I can't sing it. My cover of Disappearance of Hatsune Miku was done by "cheating" (recording at a slower pace, then changing the speed of the fast vocals to match the song), but I don't think I can do the same for Secret Police.

But how many "Attack combi" users did you guys have in this tournament? I'm not so interested in Defense and Stamina.
lol. quite a lot of lightning ldragos. i used attack combo once in a while. :3
I'll be ordering some new beys, so next tourney Im gonna be using an attack combo.
Lightning LDragos...and its magnificent ability to SPIN TO THE LEFT.
lol. i already have a new combo to beat my old combo. haha, thinking about it now, i made some terrible buys with my prize money. XD i had no idea dani had a byxis and pre-hws aries. i chose what i saw.... haha until after i made my purchase, she popped them all out and i was like WHAT?! ahh, anyways, some of them were pretty good. nothing i could use in my attack combo but still good to mess around with. :3 anyways, if anyone needs any combos, u can ask me, that way u can use them in the next tournament to "represent" me. :3 i think it's pretty obvious i'm not coming to the next one.
NYC Metagame seems to be picking up alittle but we settle in The Jersey War when Phillies Maryland,NY,NJ, Delaware come together Tongue_out

11 launchers and they all slipped...
i launch too hard.... XD
Dani I just realized you still have my lock clip for my grip launcher =[
Heh, we'll show you the true power of us New Yorkers, URRAH!
i wish i could show my true power... lmao
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