World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Brooklyn, NY] 3/27/11 In like a Leone, Out like an Aries
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lol. check the most recent comment on the thread for the one in central park... then check my "away" status on my profile =( if u have any questions, ask them through PM. and yeah.... haha, the tournament just got easier for everyone now that i'm out. i got new combos that ikmv probably hasn't tried... although it only works against stamina combos....
I'm feeling all better, ad have a normal temperature. See you there.
Omg I am so sick Unhappy I was I wasnt hosting this so I could stay at home and rest up
Oh man tourney day, Im all pumped up. Good luck everyone! We so excited xD
oh good news. i'm going now~ :3 so pumped
I might not make it on time. I can't leave until 11:15, and Brooklyn is an hour away.
like i said. i cant go to the tournament
is this tournament going to be live stream?
No, I couldn't get the equipment in time.

1st - Sky Prince
2nd - Cyberbeyblade77
3rd - Bluezee
i got 4th
WHAT! Bluezee came in third that is a surprise. Sky Prince has really been practicing Smile
Also congrats to Cyberbeyblade77 for coming in second Wink
This tourney was a lot of fun. Thanks to IKMV, Youre awesome!
Oooooou. Wonder what the combos were. Nice job twin.
Its kinda funny. If u read the page before
Sky prince says he is going, then not, then is and then gets 1st place. I think?
did any one have footage of the tourhy
shippuden face does.
Well, with only surplus blades, I only got up to round 3. Ah well, back to my anime/manga. Good Job Sky!!! Show them the FILIPINO POWAH!!!
yeahhhh. getting mad points... ok, other than that. good game guys. u guys will get a chance to get some wins now, i might not be in the next few tournaments. taking a bit of a break from beyblade.... haha, when the new ones come out, i'll beast it up.
Watch next time, I'll have some of MY beyblades, and I'll step my game up to the maximum, I'll have my Double-Otaku Aura. Cute
That was fun and epic. Can't wait 4 Cye's tournament. I got an epic combo in mind but It is a mystery!
(Mar. 28, 2011  12:28 AM)Sky Prince Wrote: [ -> ]yeahhhh. getting mad points... ok, other than that. good game guys. u guys will get a chance to get some wins now, i might not be in the next few tournaments. taking a bit of a break from beyblade.... haha, when the new ones come out, i'll beast it up.
Why? You're just going to take your beypoints and leave? Coward.
and what were the Surprise?
Ikmv's birthday. I made face cupcakes.
nah, i'd rather explain in private. some of you already know.
btw. someone borrowed my EWD but never returned it. i'm not gonna be mad, i just want it back. that's all i care about. if anyone's seen it or know, this is what it looks like:
and if u guys REALLY want me to come next tournament, u guys gotta find it and return it back to me. meaning i'm forced to go to next tournament and pick it up and maybe participate in the tourney.
(Mar. 28, 2011  1:06 AM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]Ikmv's birthday. I made face cupcakes.
O lmao Face cupcake xD and Prize was?
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