World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Brooklyn, NY] 3/27/11 In like a Leone, Out like an Aries
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ok looks like im not going but i will give a definent awnser tom. and why dont i have my passport face yet? or are thngs still down and not working.
its sad you cant come it would be really cool to battle you :XD:
joseph, when did u purchase ur passport?
(Mar. 26, 2011  12:41 AM)joseph317 Wrote: [ -> ]ok looks like im not going but i will give a definent awnser tom. and why dont i have my passport face yet? or are thngs still down and not working.

Yes, the same issue from a few weeks ago has not been fixed yet. Our programmer and us cannot really find what or where the problem is.
(Mar. 26, 2011  4:19 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 26, 2011  12:41 AM)joseph317 Wrote: [ -> ]ok looks like im not going but i will give a definent awnser tom. and why dont i have my passport face yet? or are thngs still down and not working.

Yes, the same issue from a few weeks ago has not been fixed yet. Our programmer and us cannot really find what or where the problem is.
ok thank you, and i want to come because i got gravity perseus and hell kerecs and made a realy good combo.
I don't think I can come, I was home sick yesterday with a fever. I'll let you know tomorrow for sure, but chances are I won't be there.
I had a fever yesterday too, but im still going. This won't be the first time I've gone to a tournament sick. Pinching_eyes
lol. just don't get me sick. i got a final animation coming up soon and i can't spend my valuable animating time in bed coughing my butt off. T.T
Deikailo should wear those Japanese sick masks, then!
bad news deikailo. my mom grounded me and i cannot go to the tournament whatsoever. lets just say something happened at school on thursday
(Mar. 26, 2011  10:13 PM)Sky Prince Wrote: [ -> ]lol. just don't get me sick. i got a final animation coming up soon and i can't spend my valuable animating time in bed coughing my butt off. T.T

Lol I came down sick, too. Did everyone get sick through the weekend?
how much exactly is the entry fee
(Mar. 27, 2011  1:18 AM)TeamLeone Wrote: [ -> ]how much exactly is the entry fee

$5 for Just that event
$10 for a Passport
$15 for Both
(Mar. 27, 2011  1:26 AM)ArmorD-00taku Wrote: [ -> ]$5 for Just that event
$10 for a Passport
$15 for Both

Hm, from what I understand of the store's policy, you have to pay at least ten dollars if you just want to pay for that event (store's fee + our entry fee). If you want to buy a Blader Passport, then you will have to pay fifteen dollars (store's fee + ten dollars for Blader Passport). Afterwards, if you attend more events at that store, you just have to pay their fee.

I am not sure I agree with their constant fee, but I suppose tournaments do happen meanwhile ...
how long do you think this tourny is gonna take
(Mar. 27, 2011  2:11 AM)kcpj Wrote: [ -> ]how long do you think this tourny is gonna take

Depends, how many people there are, how many stadiums, you have to include attributes that might effect your time in any way.
I will be coming
I'll be there with a stadium Smile
Everyone hype!?!?! I'm not cause I'm not going. Pinching_eyes_2
(Mar. 27, 2011  3:51 AM)ArmorD-00taku Wrote: [ -> ]Everyone hype!?!?! I'm not cause I'm not going. Pinching_eyes_2

lmao i feel you
duuuuuude.... can't go. personal reasons. sorry guys. ikmv, i'll give u ur ldrago back next time i see u.... or u can pick it up on ur way to the tournament.
Aw man, that sucks Sky. I wanted to personally thank you for all the help youve been giving me.
lol dude. it's cool. u can thank me through video if anyone records. u can just shout "THANKS SKY PRINCE!!!!" that will just do. lol. i was soo looking forward to versing a lot of people. i get new blades and combos. hmmm maybe next time.
lmao i wish i was going it would have been easier to win with all of you guys gone
(Mar. 27, 2011  5:06 AM)Sky Prince Wrote: [ -> ]lol dude. it's cool. u can thank me through video if anyone records. u can just shout "THANKS SKY PRINCE!!!!" that will just do. lol. i was soo looking forward to versing a lot of people. i get new blades and combos. hmmm maybe next time.

Heh, I might just do that. I recently got a Flip HD. Well are you going to that tourney in central park?
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