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Country: United States Registration Date: Jul. 26, 2021

Magic Psych was founded in 2012 to offer customers quality psychedelic products ranging from LSD, change, MDMA, 5 meo, Ayahuasca, DMT, Salvia divinorum, Kratom for sale and Ethnobotanical products. Over the past six years, The Psychedelic Way has introduced a number of different product lines and is now a key player in the business of manufacturing and distributing salvia and legal blends. We offer a wide array of products including Salvia for sale in extract forms of (10-60X), Kratom thai powder, a variety of herbal Incense such as Chrono Smoke. Visit Our Website - https://magicpsych.com/

Tournament History

magicpsych9 hasn't participated in any recent tournaments.