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Country: India (भारत) Registration Date: Jul. 22, 2021

MageDelight is a prominent digital commerce agency with almost a decade of experience & a team of 200+ Magento Evangelists including 75+ Certified Magento Developers. The company is one of the most popular premium Extension providers and specializes in Custom Magento Development, Migration, & Support Services.

Being Magento Enterprise Solution Partner & Magento Contributor Partner, MageDelight has helped 350+ businesses across the world to realize their eCommerce vision since its inception.

The company is especially known for being one of the early adopters of the latest Magento tools & technology. Recently, the company even developed its own Magento PWA Studio to help Magento 2 store owners transform their standard Magento 2 eCommerce store into a full-fledged Magento PWA store.

Overall, if you’re looking for a reliable Magento 2 development agency, partnering with MageDelight is definitely the right choice.

Tournament History

magedelight hasn't participated in any recent tournaments.