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Country: United States Registration Date: Aug. 22, 2021

PHP is the most popular scripting language on the web. Without PHP Facebook, Yahoo, Google would not have existed. The course is geared towards making you a PHP professional. Once you have mastered all the basics, the course will help you create your own Opinion Poll application. What to know? A complete form of PHP is enough to learn this course. This tutorial is designed for beginners with little or no PHP experience. There is some best book of learning php [url]https://oiipdf.com/learning-php-mysql-javascript-5th-edition[/url] https://oiipdf.com/php-advanced-and-object-oriented-programming-visual-quickpro-guide https://dok.la/learning-php-mysql-javascript-css-html5-a-step-by-step-guide-to-creating-dynamic-websites-1798.html https://dokdrive.com/sistem-informasi-nilai-madrasah-aliyah-negeri-berbasis-web-menggunakan-35037.html https://dokdrive.com/perancangan-sistem-informasi-jaringan-koperasi-simpan-pinjam-menggunakan-33342.html

Tournament History

kiash hasn't participated in any recent tournaments.