Last Visit:
Jul. 22, 2011 5:24 PM
Country: Registration Date: May. 08, 2011 Birthday: Aug. 03, 1998 (26 years old)
KK, bio, gotcha. Name-Farrah Khodabux, but you mite know that already. fave character- Kyoya Tategami <3 <3. I'm a emo/punk blader. My 2 most favorite shows are (of corse beyblade) and Full Metal Alchemist. I'm kinda psychotic and kooky but i'm also fun and crazy. =P I want to be a singer when i grow up but most people know me for my drawings on the beyblade facebook page.
P.S. If you know about any new york tournaments coming up. let me know ;)
~Whatev's animewatcher98
Tournament History
animewatcher98 hasn't participated in any recent tournaments.