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Country: United States Registration Date: Feb. 11, 2022

A regular guy! I like to eat well (pizza, hamburger and fries with cola), I like to drink (beer, whisky and sometimes wine), I like to watch soap operas or movies. In general, I live the life of an average person! I also like guns and knives very much. I don't always carry one, but I do carry one quite often. I would like to specify right away that it is not a question of self-defence, the knife is more likely to have a utilitarian purpose. Looking for a woodcarving knife at the moment! I carry cheap Ka-bar in my car, and carry along my little Ontario Rat II. The first one doesn't mind picking something up, prying, etc., while the second one is a great, small, pocket knife with excellent mechanics, extremely resilient and just a very popular knife.

Tournament History

Mystiquexxq hasn't participated in any recent tournaments.