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Country: India (भारत) Registration Date: Aug. 31, 2017 Birthday: Dec. 21, 2002 (21 years old)

I started beyblading at the age of 7.My first Beyblade was Sagittario which was gifted by my big cousin brother,Ritam Ray.He is an expert Beyblade as well as a Beyblade Dictionary.He knows the names of all Beyblades and their right customization.So he trained me to become a expert Beyblader.His friends had Hades Kerbecs,Gravity Destroyer,Diablo Nemesis, Fang Leon and Galaxy Pegasus.My Brother had Sunlord.We battled together to find that I was not able to handle an attack type Bey.So, he gave me Twisted Tempo.I ranked 2nd and he gave me that Bey.From that day on, Twisted Tempo is my Favourite and personal Beyblade.And Now,I am ready to win championships!!!!??????✌✌✌✌

Tournament History

Hriddya hasn't participated in any recent tournaments.