
i was cleaning my room and found my beyblades again... i started spinning them....XD.. i liked it but i was like eh.. its dead now so.. w.e, then i saw youtube and videos were being posted not too long ago.....o.o.. oh wow ok... then i saw NEW BEYBLADES COMING BACK?! then i joined here Pinching_eyes_2!.. i had no idea theres still a good amount of ppl who still cared and played and didint even know bey blade was that serious. I had no idea there were techniques like ...um.. somthing.. shooting i forgot what it was called but its on youtube where its easier to hit defensive bladers, but yeah lol i always go to anime north and noticed a tourney will be held there... so im definitely going to purchase some new metal fight beyblades? what ever the new ones were called but yeah ... since im coming back to beyblades i need some beyblade friends.. lol and noticed alot of ppl who play are in toronto..... i live in toronto... where they hell are u ppl? lol plz tell me.. any ways.. just wanted to say hi i just joined and where are all the bladers in toronto.
Welcome xxCloudEXx. Sadly I don't play the game, but I love the series. Oh I'm the first cool.
Welcome. Hope you enjoy WBO to the fullest.