the truth

I am so sorry!
I didn't try the beyblade,so this is the truth about the changing parts thing.
I don't like changing parts on beyblades because when my brother cyberbull2418 (Jordan Myers) broke my face bult by changing parts.

That is the truth about my mistake.
By the way,please report cyberbull2418
Im very sad about my earth eagles face bult broken,it was my very first beyblade.

Why *pause* oh why did you create a thread for your personal thoughts? The closest thread for where "this" goes, is in random thoughts 4

Yah but Roan wont open it till he wants to... forgot why =L. Anyways this thread could've gone to Beyblade Random Thoughts if anything is related to beyblade =L
I guess he put it here because it wasn't so "random" and/or he wants it to be more publicized. Confused I don't really know but sorry dude.