The hotest game system yet a combination of a phone,playstation 3,playstation 4,5,6,and 7 its the p.s.X. All of the techoligy in this world is all in that one system. For more information go to It can play any game you want with out buying the game itself, it is also compatible with 3D glases and you are inside the game literaly inside it playing and you need no controller.
BAD NEWS jugders sais its a clompete faileir because it was to expsive it costed over 1,000,000,000 dollers and its lowest price was 75,000 dollers so the judeges made new things like first the p.s.4,psp2, p.s.5 the after three or four more years 6,7,8, and 9 are coming out. So hope you like what I told you and yeah bye.
BAD NEWS jugders sais its a clompete faileir because it was to expsive it costed over 1,000,000,000 dollers and its lowest price was 75,000 dollers so the judeges made new things like first the p.s.4,psp2, p.s.5 the after three or four more years 6,7,8, and 9 are coming out. So hope you like what I told you and yeah bye.