lightning l-drago 100 HF
face: l-drago
this face despics draco, 1 of the 88 constelations in space. draco is the dragon.
clear ring: l-drago
the ring is recolored from clear to gold. it has 3 dragon heads that make for a powerful attack. the l-drago ring is only conpatible with lightning.
metal wheel: lightning
this wheel is recolored from metalic to metalic red. you can turn the ring l-drago around to switch from rapid attack mode to upper attack mode, and vis-versa. you can only get lightning with lightning l-drago 100HF. test show RA mode is a little better in stamina while UA is a little better in attack
track: 100
100 is cerantly the 3rd lowest track avable.
tip: HF
hole flat is much like F, but has a hole to preserve stamina. l-drago suffers some recoile, but this can be fixed by changing HF to RF.
storm pegasis105 RF
face: pegasis
this face despics pegasus, 1 of the 88 constellations in space.
ring: pegasis
the ring is recolored from clear blue to red. it has horse heads with wings trailing behind them, increasing spin velocity by a little.
wheel: storm
this wheel is recolored from metalic to metalic blue. 3 'wings', repenseting pegasus' wings, do a powerful attack. however, the paint of the recolor comes off quite easily.
track: 105
105 is cerantly the 4th lowest track avalible. it is a good pick if 100 is unavalible.
rubber flat has fairly poor stamina, but has a powerful attack. it is showed up by it's conter-part: R2F (see galexy pegasis)
super vortex stadium
this stadium is red with blue inside. it has small ramps inside that are souly for hazard perporses. the slopes inside it forse stamina, defense, and balance types into the center, while attack types are free to go as they please. the stadium has 0 pockets and is relativly small to insure intense battles with lots of crashing.
overall: the super vortex stadium insures intense battles and the 2 attack types Lightning l-drago and storm pegasis increase the crashing persentige even more still. the stadium also comes with 2 codes, a rule book, and 24 tourney sheets. any beginer and/or colecter should own this.
face: l-drago
this face despics draco, 1 of the 88 constelations in space. draco is the dragon.
clear ring: l-drago
the ring is recolored from clear to gold. it has 3 dragon heads that make for a powerful attack. the l-drago ring is only conpatible with lightning.
metal wheel: lightning
this wheel is recolored from metalic to metalic red. you can turn the ring l-drago around to switch from rapid attack mode to upper attack mode, and vis-versa. you can only get lightning with lightning l-drago 100HF. test show RA mode is a little better in stamina while UA is a little better in attack
track: 100
100 is cerantly the 3rd lowest track avable.
tip: HF
hole flat is much like F, but has a hole to preserve stamina. l-drago suffers some recoile, but this can be fixed by changing HF to RF.
storm pegasis105 RF
face: pegasis
this face despics pegasus, 1 of the 88 constellations in space.
ring: pegasis
the ring is recolored from clear blue to red. it has horse heads with wings trailing behind them, increasing spin velocity by a little.
wheel: storm
this wheel is recolored from metalic to metalic blue. 3 'wings', repenseting pegasus' wings, do a powerful attack. however, the paint of the recolor comes off quite easily.
track: 105
105 is cerantly the 4th lowest track avalible. it is a good pick if 100 is unavalible.
rubber flat has fairly poor stamina, but has a powerful attack. it is showed up by it's conter-part: R2F (see galexy pegasis)
super vortex stadium
this stadium is red with blue inside. it has small ramps inside that are souly for hazard perporses. the slopes inside it forse stamina, defense, and balance types into the center, while attack types are free to go as they please. the stadium has 0 pockets and is relativly small to insure intense battles with lots of crashing.
overall: the super vortex stadium insures intense battles and the 2 attack types Lightning l-drago and storm pegasis increase the crashing persentige even more still. the stadium also comes with 2 codes, a rule book, and 24 tourney sheets. any beginer and/or colecter should own this.