
yo. i'm DriggerTrigger and i joined about december 12th. due to problems i haven't been on in a while so i guess i'll start fresh.
my favorite beyblade is the Driger V.
hi welcome you newby sort of lol but my fave is dragoon v for plastic.
i may be new to WBO but i am no newbie.Tongue_out_wink
in reality i'm getting back to what i enjoy.
nice choice on the favorite by the way.
heres some more info.
i enjoy beyblade for two reasons.
1. the physics behind this thing is wicked.
2. i used to enjoy when i was a bit younger so what the hey.
im doing physics at school for options lol, but howcome you waited to make this thread?
grounded up till christmas and i never had the time between business with friends and family and practicing
Welcome to WBO!
well re-welcome for my condition but thank you
that's not how you spell driger
i know. i accidently spelt it wrong when i was signing up. my mistake
no thanks. it's easier for me to keep track of my account if it's spelt that way anyway but thank you for the offer.
Welcome DiggerTigger to WBO hope your stay is a good one.
(Jan. 02, 2010  4:14 AM)DriggerTrigger Wrote: no thanks. it's easier for me to keep track of my account if it's spelt that way anyway but thank you for the offer.

"i can't remember my username if i spell it correctly"
thank guys for the warm welcomesTongue_out