stamina discovery

people are saying that 145 and ad145 are the best for stamina i have just used 125 and i got better solo spin time and with t125 i got beter

time with 145: 2:03

time with ad145: 2:10

time with 125: 3:04

time with t125: 3:21
What combos were you using?

Solo spin time does not matter that much.
Test them in stamina battles...
^Agreed, solo spin time doesn't matter, especially when they're being attacked, which is kind of detrimental to how long it spins Speechless
Doubt this...T125 is mainly good because it destabilizes 145, and avoids the same. Burn Bull T125WD spins about as long as Burn Bull 100WD, 145WD, and slightly less then plain old 125WD.
There are already topics for this, and 85/90 do better against 145 than 125, from what I remember. This is not really new ...