non beyblade story, "The Rebirth of The Dragon Duo" accepting characters

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WBO, this is not a Beyblade story but merely a story of friendship and honor
I am currently accepting characters, please use the following format.
First Name:
Last Name:
Weapon of Choice/Signature Weapon:

“ The Rebirth of the Dragon Duo ”
As Zeno’s voice echoed throughout the meting hall, all the shinobi present were silent, knowing that they had failed in sealing the “Chaos Dragon-Master Door”. Zeno muttered to him self, “if you want to get a job done, do it your self.” saying that, he left the hall, leaving fear in all the shinobi present hearts.

Izuma was staring out into space from his room, suddenly, his A.I. Volt alerted him, that Zeno was approaching. Izuma took his twin katanas, his silver cloak and his anti-gravity boots, donning them, he met Zeno outside. Izuma asked, “what do you want Zeno, my old friend?” Zeno replied, “Merely an alliance, a temporary one of course.” Izuma, knowing Zeno’s tricks asked, ”on that grounds do you wish to ally yourself with me?” Zeno knew he was caught, admitting his inferiority or keeping silent and losing his only chance at sealing the door to all evil dragon-masters in this world replied, “on the grounds of friendship, peace, and a common goal.” Izuma replied, “ You said friendship doesn’t matter, and what is that common goal, what the sealing of the “Chaos Dragon-Master Door”?” Zeno replied, “yes, and I wish your forgiveness on what I did 5 years ago. (My old story)” Izuma knowing that Zeno had honor replied, “OK, I accept friend, apology accepted.” Thus, Izuma and Zeno became friends again, thus Dragon Dou was recreated, but who knew what lay ahead for them?