my tabletop rpg plz look

ok iv'e been working on a tabletop rpg and im almost done!!!

i have made a web site for the game but need help to finish the game so go to the website and see wat you can help with on the game.

the first couple of people to help will be made a moderator for the site
... roll a dice to move what? Enter what dungeon? What?

There's a real lack of documentation, I don't understand how to play this.
thats the problem im having i have a hard time seeing these mistakes and making an indepth clarification so i need help
i dont want to sound desprat but plz i realy need help some one i realy want to fishish to impress people
Do not SPAM. People will answer if they want, when they wish to do so.

Personally, I would say that you did not really start anywhere ... Therefore you should do that first. Establish a structure.
well i made the site to keep all the stuff on but i thought of how it works but i changed it to be a pvp rpg instead of a a rping rpg so i changed the rules a little and add in about teams as well but it seem i didnt add an indepth disciption of how to play and make the map, marker for character,...
but i had the idea of how to do it but i didnt realys wat i missed to say because i didnt notice wat i thought want down and i cant figure out how to say it in words without cunfussing other when typing so i want to find an adviser to help me with it so i can change my mistakes on my stuff...i as well need to figure out how to do the character sheets but dont know what to have on them and the way the things should be put on

so if anyone want to help just post on the forum on the site or pm me on this site

once i find the person i will give them wat i think and want to do and they can give my wat i should take out, change, and put in
i posted an announcment on the site