
minecraft is a good game
Wa?If you're talking about a video you made,then take this to a,um,wait there's no thread for mine craft videos.Or you could make a thread promoting your (Possible)Youtube channe EDIT:Yay,you changed the name.I think there is already a MineCraft thread
i did not make minecraft
(Aug. 29, 2012  6:47 PM)Noster61 Wrote: i did not make minecraft
Of course you didn't.

He meant, if you posted a minecraft video of your minecraft account and posted it on youtube.
(Aug. 29, 2012  6:52 PM)Luck Wrote: He meant, if you posted a minecraft video of your minecraft account and posted it on youtube.
Yes,thank you.But he changed the title,so I think there is already a Mine Craft thread

oh... so now i'm confuzeddd.