make your own bey!

Here you can post the beyblades you have made up and really want. please dont copy or use the name of a real bey.
this is mine.
Doom Hades 145MF
type: attack
face: black and has scull picture with 'hades' writen in a chain-like font.
clear wheel: hades has a purple skelatal pattern and covers part of the metal wheel. it is a left rotating wheel.
metal wheel: doom is like fang, with a gear-like disign. it has four purple stickers on it. it is left rotating.
track: 145
bottom: metal flat.[/size]
This should be in My creations (If there isn't already one).
Death already exists. I suggest "Doom" as a replacement because a Doom wheel just sounds awesome.
Could i put poison camlio and poison toad they will be Reggie's brothers and make up team poison just like you have the Orso brothers
This thread kinda sorta already exists. It's called 'Beyblade Parts you'd like to see'.
Read it
Use it
Love it
I've seen this kind of thread too, as in the whole bey. I've posted in it, long ago...
(Aug. 07, 2011  10:11 PM)Dracomageat Wrote: Death already exists. I suggest "Doom" as a replacement because a Doom wheel just sounds awesome.

didint know that thanks ill change it.
(Aug. 07, 2011  10:12 PM)emman798 Wrote: Could i put poison camlio and poison toad they will be Reggie's brothers and make up team poison just like you have the Orso brothers

do whatever you want.
We already have a topic for this, especially for those who like to put

"Insert generic or stupid name" ABCDEFG123445567HIJKLMNOP
We already have this.
Yeah, this should be in my creations or the thread CRU mentioned.
But the bey you made up seems very interesting!