launching styles

well i thought that i would make this thread so people can tell about their launching style. as for mine, well i dont really have one. Tongue_out
there's already a list of all the useful launching techniques on beywiki. Don't make a thread if you can't even contribute to it.
sorry. i just thought that if people had their own style of launching that WASN'T on bewiki they could say what it is and what it does or what is special about it
It would lead to a lot of lying about fake techniques that rarely work.
well if it works for that person using it it wouldn't matter anyway, and thats what the thread is for. it doesn't matter how good the technique is or not. sure people can voice their opinion on the technique if they want as well
I use a combination of the waterfall and the sneak attack shot.

If you really have a working and new launching technique, then post it in the Beyblade Random Thoughts topic. Otherwise, the only good, possible launching techniques are already on Beywiki.