im new.....

hey everyone, i just got into beyblade
im 12 and used to be into pokemon.
im just getting used to using this site.
i must say it is a well organized site
anyways c u L8R
Welcome, read the PM you received and you shouldn't have any trouble.
Welcome to the WBO
Must be new to the web too, never reveal your age except through profile-setting, birth-date info kiddo...

I myself was born in 89, and beyblade is my life-long hobby
I've been blading since my 02/03 school year, so you can see why i say 'life-long' hobby

Welcome Aboard!
Glad to see ya, i'm new here too...
I just wanted to say thank you to kai-v for merging both accounts.
sorry kia-v, it was a busy day and I am kind of forget ful