
Poll: how does this sound

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I have a leon with a flame fusion wheel a 145 spin track a performance tip :WD wide deffense does that sound good
(May. 23, 2010  12:19 AM)♥ Wrote: It is simply not good enough to write out your customisation, and declare “it is good”, or even worse, ask if it is good - there shouldn’t really be any threads asking whether a customisation is good if you do not have access to the parts. To rectify this, we should make a few things clear:
  • Explain the concept : we need to know what it is you are trying to achieve, how, in what conditions, etc. This is already in the Information Box in the Customisation Forum, so we're not sure why people aren't sticking to this!
  • Please post some test results if you think your customisation has potential. Do not just say “it beats everything!”