[iCoN] Call of Duty Clan ~ PS3

This is a topic for the new PlayStation 3 Call of Duty clan: iCoNiC. Gaming

Clan Information

Name: iCoNiC. Gaming
Clan Tag: [iCoN]
Who we are: A PlayStation 3 Call of Duty clan, a clan of players that specialize in any form of play style, including Rusher, Quick Scoping, Sniping, etc.
Games Played: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
How to join: Simply decide on a play time to have a 1v1 against any clan member (more than likely me) on any of the CoD games mentioned previously. Winning is not required, this 1v1 is just to see what you can do. May be simple 1v1, or if you are trying out for a Quick Scoping position, then a 1v1 Quick Scope match.

STATUS: Recruiting!


RUSHERS (Assault Rifle, SMG, Shotgun, LMG)

-iCoN Coasters (CRUelty)
-iCoN Aero (PSG-1 aka iBeyblader)
-iCoN Ryuk (Ryuk)
-iCoN Funky (Funkasaurus)
-iCoN Mai (NaLu)
-iCoN Dragoon (AwesomeDragoon)


-iCoN Aero (PSG-1 aka iBeyblader)
-iCoN Ryuk (Ryuk)

SNIPERS (Sniper Rifles, includes Quick Scoping/Trick Shots)

-iCoN Coasters (CRUelty)
-iCoN Aero (PSG-1 aka iBeyblader)
-iCoN Funky (Funkasaurus)

OTHER PLAY STYLES (such as ONLYUSEmeBLADE style, any weapon)

-iCoN Coasters [MW2 ONLYUSEmeBLADE style] (CRUelty)

Members' PlayStation Network IDs

iCoN Coasters - Coasters_R_Us
iCoN Aero - minhal823
iCoN Ryuk - ryuk39
iCoN Mai - mailz0rr
iCoN Funky - Zootchaos
iCoN Dragoon - Ulti-NinjaDG

Members' YouTube Channels

I would like to join, I'm more of a rusher than a quickscoper, but I can still quickscope.

I have all the cods above, but I lost modern warfare. I remember I sent a request, you gave me your psn on FTB, mailz0rr
I'm interested. I'm XXTOMBRADYXX and I'm more of a rusher than anything ATM. Also a defensive player, I specialize in those areas. I can sadly only play MW2, but MW3 might open up sooner or later.
I'd like to join the clan. Im a Sniper, just a regular ( i cant QS or No scope ) and im a Defense/Objecctive Person aswell
Wait forgot to mention PSN Im Zootchaos
All those who have applied for a position in the iCoNiC. Gaming clan have been sent a Private Message regarding a couple of details about the clan.

As with this, the OP has been updated slightly to give a little bit more information about the current members.
I still cannot accept the request, CRUelty maybe you try inviting me to the clan.

ALso I forgot the pass for my youtube so this is the current one I use, I've had it for almost a year.


Also do we have a twitter? If not I could make one and pm you the username and pass.
(May. 19, 2012  7:39 AM)NaLu Wrote: I still cannot accept the request, CRUelty maybe you try inviting me to the clan.

ALso I forgot the pass for my youtube so this is the current one I use, I've had it for almost a year.


Also do we have a twitter? If not I could make one and pm you the username and pass.
No one has been able to accept except me, so we're just going to ditch the idea of using it through CoD Elite and go old school and just use the simple clan tag.

Alright, I'll use that. And for the Twitter, I will make one eventually, but it's not the right time for that yet.

I wasn't able to accept it either, haha. Don't worry about it.