how do you become a VETERAN?

Hey, everyone, I was just wondering, how do you become a VETERAN?
Obviously not by posting these kinds of threads.
yup this should be closed, just ask in the ask a question get an answer thread
This should really be asked in
"Questions About The WBO"
And Make well use of the report button.
(Feb. 19, 2011  12:56 PM)Aquila112 Wrote: This should really be asked in
"Questions About The WBO"
And Make well use of the report button.
(Nov. 24, 2010  7:12 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Everybody is eligible to get approved to contribute to the Advanced Forum one day; you just need to prove yourself and your knowledge! Help people with their combinations, bring out new amazing customizations, help confirm or infirm other members’ combos with accurate test results, answer some Beyblade-related questions, etc. Who knows, you might be one step away from getting the ability to post in the Advanced Forum! However, don’t beg for it, the Committee will choose the members who deserve it along the way as they post and post!