hi guys

hey!i´m new here on this wbo web site but i´m not new to beyblade! i still remember the firsts plastic beyblade!

my favourite character of Metal Fusion is kyouya i like Ginga too!!

and my favorite beys are pegasis and leone!

i still can´t decide what clear wheel and facebolt to use.. the two are so cool!
xD maybe you can help me with that

i saw all the videos of fyuuor and driger gt!so i know some things.. also i´ve been searching a lot!!! i saw beywiki threads and top-tier combos and videos of that top-tiers.. but i still have a lot to learn xD

i have a great love with this hobby and beyblades are part of my life!
i want to know more and want to meet other bladers too!

thanks for letting me join this comunitty.. i can now say that i´m a real blader xD
