hi from jakarta indonesia

Hi there. I am a father with a 5 years old son who loves beyblade very much. So I learnt a lot abt beyblade from th internet.

Now we have:
1. Dark Bull H145SD
2. Earth Aquila 145WD
3. Leone 145D
4. Sagittario 145S

I am learning to combine the beyblades to make it better. Can anyone advise me where to buy beyblades and their parts and accesories in Jakarta, Indonesia? I bought the beyblades through stores such as kids station. I am thinking about buying hell kerbecs and basalt horogium and bottoms such as XF. Thanks.
Hi there! Welcome to WBO.

You can check the 'Marketplace' section for purchases/sales. Furthermore, you can also post in the 'Build me a combo' thread in 'Beyblade Customization' section.

Hope you enjoy your stay here.

PS: I'm from Indonesia too. Surabaya though.
Welcome to the WBO!
Welcome to the WBO
Welcome to the WBO.
Welcome to this forum! Have fun here!