
im new to the wbo i have the following beys earth virgo,storm aries, legend midnight bull,legend fury capricorn,flame aries,dark bull,rock pegasis,storm pegasis,rock leone,rock orso,dark dranzer, storm aquario,storm capricorn,rock aries and i also have a string launcher rev up launcher push and shoot launcher and wolborg 2 and master drazer.
welcome to the WBO
Welcome and have a good time!
Hope you enjoy the WBO
I hope you enjoy your time here you can learn a lot about beyblade combonations here and get helpful tips.

TIP: Use your midnight bull agenst a L-Drago and see who will win you will be surprised. Smile
Welcome to the WBO!
Those are some nice purchases you made, but head over to the Purchase Consultation or the What to buy in MFB threads to see what to get next.
i might get beat lynx from hackjapan.com they have 4d beys
is anyone going to the recruitment session in toronto
Nice collection and welome to the WBO and have fun