hey guys I'm confused but excited

well guys you see I'm not new to beyblade in new to the website so please let me know if there are any good tournaments going on.
Hello there, welcome to the WBO!

If you are looking for tournaments in your area, please check the WBO Organized Play forum, and I will post the links.

Check this forum for the WBO General organized play, where events still have to become official, but where non-official tournaments may be occurring.

Check here for official events, where official WBO approved tournaments are posted.

Feel free to PM me for other questions, and enjoy it here!

Our tournaments happen all over the world, but it depends on where you live. Go to the WBO General Forum, and see if anybody in your area is trying to get a tournament started!

Oh, and welcome to the WBO!
Great to see yet another user Smile
Welcome to the WBO! Enjoy your time here and don't break the rules Wink