hello, this is mr. fatso

hi, i am a kid of 7 years old. i am in 3rd grade, My beyblades are: storm pegasus, dark wolf, dark bull, earth eagle, earth virgo, poison serpent, flame libra, rock leone, rock aries, evil gemios, lightning l drago. i was searching for something in google, and i saw the WBO, i am going to have fun here, i might try to attend some tournaments if there are some in switzerland.
This is really carping hard to believe that you are 7 years old.. But anyways welcome =)
Welcome To The WBO!
Welcome to the WBO! Have fun here!
Welcome hope you have a good time here
hello, thank you for the welcomes everyone, anime101 why is it hard to think that i am 7? beyblade is for everyone and anyone. right, It's easy to believe drigergt(guy who makes really cool beyblade videos) is 21, i am 7 who is your youngest blader?
(Jan. 23, 2011  6:30 PM)Mr.Fatso Wrote: Who is your youngest blader?

Yo no sé, but welcome! I hope you enjoy the WBO, and you got your signature really quick for only signing up 10 hours ago. Chocked_2
Woah! You're 7 too?!

Welcome to the WBO, I'm new as well.

Edit: For slow people I'm not 7, I'm 15. And yeah I also find it hard to believe you can type like that in 3rd grade.
But there's no way u can type like that O_O, I still your lying. But anways Welcome (again)
Welcome to the WBO.
He is 7 years old, I refered him here. Grin
Edit: Secret of his let loose: his asks his brother for spellings.
well, yeah i type slow have typing master and my brother corrects my spellings, well he is busy doing school things, I dont have homework, I just ask brother the correct spellings, i also said i have good grammer right?
Right... And you spelled grammar wrong. I'm not sure about the youngest but I know AkirasDaddy has to be the oldest
there that was the one i didnt ask my brother, hoohoo