hello i'm new here

Hello I'm dragon-blader I've been blading since I was a little kid. I'm curently at 1500 beypoints though I've had my beypointer for two years. I live in America and I don't know any one with a beypointer and am looking for tournaments near my hometown. I would like to also explain that I got my beypointer in Japan with a starter Pegasis from the manga.I am new to this site.
p.s. I was not trying to brag about my beypointer i was just trying to say that it took a while to figure out how to use it.
Hello to the wbo maybe you can go to some tournaments close to you and you can get some points on the official beypoint system.
oh wait from the looks of thing its brad day so going of topic happy brad day.
oh right they're just on my beypointer. I'll go to a tournament as soon as can.

before i forget happy brad day.
Welcome to the WBO ! [:
this is probably going of topic, but does any one know about any california tournaments coming up. because i searched for some, but there are none coming up until next year, but i still didn't find a location and date

p.s. happy brad day
You should check the WBO Organised Play thread.
thank you i'll search fo that on the site
i forgot happy brad day