hello everyone. i love beyblade!

. my name is rob and i have been collecting beyblades for about three years. they facinate me in a way that nothing else can. i want to learn everything there is to know about beyblades. i have recently started to collect zero-g beyblades and i love thr artistic desighn on the chrome wheel. anyways if anyone wants to talk to me ill be checking almost daily because i love this site!Supaburn
Welcome to the WBO!! Have FUN!Grin
Make sure to read the rules in the message Kai-V sent you!Smile
Welcome! Read the message Kai-V sent you and have fun!
If you need help with combos go here: http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Build-me-a-combo-2
If you have any questions about beyblades go here: http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Ask-a-qu...n-answer-2
If you have any questions about the WBO go here: http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Questions-about-the-WBO
If you need help about which beyblade to get next go here(MFB): http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Purchase...tation-MFB
Any discussion about plastics go here: http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Plastics...ere-No-HMS
HMS goes here: http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-HMS-Q-A-...ns-go-here
Again, welcome! Smile
Hi. My name is ethan. I luv to beyblade. My favorite bey is driger ms.
(Aug. 29, 2013  3:12 AM)rayfan2012 Wrote: Hi. My name is ethan. I luv to beyblade. My favorite bey is driger ms.

You need to make your own introduce yourself thread
Loving beyblade is never a bad thing, haha.
Welcome! Make sure you read the rules thoroughly, and hold off on making threads for a bit until you get a feel for things.
Have a great time!
thanks everybody! i feel a warm welcome to this site.
Welcome Rob! Be Sure To Read The Rules And Have Fun!