well basiccaly i was trying a combo cuz of my first tourney,bey fest! at regents parck
this combo is humongosly useful
hell:beileve it or not this puts stamina to a attak bey!
pegasisIII:the iron powder keeps the bey in the stadium
f: the first stamina increses cuz of hell
the attak increases cuz of the iron powder
against variety of beys: mst of the beys fly out of stadium cuz of the air and defensiv force hell give
as for the remaining beys the attak takes care of that
it is very good at stadium outs
against basalt combos:
the basalt repels and most of the time beats it by stamina
why else did i lose to madmuppets basalt bull 3-1
pros:it busts beys will long tracks, and while its going down it can do a suprise attak and knock another bey out before it loses spin
cons:its nothing compared to basalt weel
i need anpther stamina defense weel with is mutch heavier to beat a basalt combo
stadium used:tt attak stadium
this combo is humongosly useful
hell:beileve it or not this puts stamina to a attak bey!
pegasisIII:the iron powder keeps the bey in the stadium
f: the first stamina increses cuz of hell
the attak increases cuz of the iron powder
against variety of beys: mst of the beys fly out of stadium cuz of the air and defensiv force hell give
as for the remaining beys the attak takes care of that
it is very good at stadium outs
against basalt combos:
the basalt repels and most of the time beats it by stamina
why else did i lose to madmuppets basalt bull 3-1
pros:it busts beys will long tracks, and while its going down it can do a suprise attak and knock another bey out before it loses spin
cons:its nothing compared to basalt weel
i need anpther stamina defense weel with is mutch heavier to beat a basalt combo
stadium used:tt attak stadium