first costum one crazy blade :P

first of all sorry for not knowing all the names of the parts can anyone tell me where i can see those names ?

and for what i used for the blade is

attack ring : driger G
weight disk: ten wide
spin gear: just a mg r spin gear
blade base: metal dranzer

well what its supposed to do is attack the opponent like crazy and make it go stadium out but the problem at the moment are 2 things first at the launch it will go out like crazy but like 10 seconds later it loses all its power so i would like it to have more endurence.
the second problem is because it goes crazy like that it isnt controlable it get into the pockets within5 to 8 seconds guaranteed Tongue_out well the other thing is obviously i would like the attack more stable
One of the most basic principles of Beyblade is that to get one thing, you have to sacrifice another. You want your Attack Beyblade to have more Survival, but those are opposite principles.

To get more Attack, you must sacrifice Survival.
To get more Defense, you must sacrifice Attack.
To get more Survival, you must sacrifice Defense.

Obviously there are exceptions to these rules, but this is the basic idea. So, in short, there's no way to give this combo more Survival without changing the concept entirely.

If you're having problems with pocketing, get a Japanese stadium. Hasbro's stadiums are garbage. That combo should not be that uncontrollable.

As for the combo itself, it's not that great. If you really want more control, change the WD to a Heavy instead of a Wide. It will give it higher spin velocity and it will be easier to control.
hmm ok but can you tell me what parts from my list should make good bladebases for attackers

all the dranzer series except v2, and dragoon series except gt, all drigers except driger v, trygle, cyber dragoon, all metal blades (as in metal dranzer etc),gallman
galeon, galzly, kid dragoon, auto change balancer, wolborg 2.

and one more question i know this is off topic Tongue_out but this never came out in the netherlands like most of the other stuff but i saw on the internet a sniper scope but i want to know does it really add something to youre shooting or something or is it just a lightbulb on you launcher ...... am just curius Tongue_out and since ive never seen one in real life i dont know ....
It's essentially just a lightbulb on the launcher, haha. The real use is that it can block your opponent's positioning.

Also, try this combo for a good attacker:

AR: Trygle OR Kid Dragoon
WD: Experiment and see which works best for you.
BB: Dragoon S
Okay you don't have a single 10 Heavy, but what is your Metal Driger? Takara? I'm assuming it's not, but if it is use it's HMC core with this instead

AR: Driger G
WD: 10 Balance
SG: Neo Right South Core (comes with Dranzer V)
BB: SG Metal Change (Driger S)

It's one of my favourites (minus the WD since I use a 10 Heavy) It's a pretty good attacker VERY controllable depending on what way you launch.
Metal Driger comes with 10-Heavy.

Also, I don't consider your combo much of an Attack-type ... and I think an uncustomized Driger S would generally be better.
Bey Brad Wrote:Metal Driger comes with 10-Heavy.
Seriously? I could have sworn it was Balance... Okay whatever use that then.
Train Wrote:
Bey Brad Wrote:Metal Driger comes with 10-Heavy.
Seriously? I could have sworn it was Balance... Okay whatever use that then.

Check the wiki Wink
well i guess ill try both ofem but i can't right now since it's 1:41 am XD anyway ill tell you tomorrow how it went and both beybrad and train thnx for the ideas and fixes
hamoudi Wrote:first of all sorry for not knowing all the names of the parts can anyone tell me where i can see those names ?
You can find all the parts names here.