eBay Topic

Yeah, I found it quite strange when I saw that. Hopefully for whoever decides to buy that, they do get Dranzer MS instead of Gaia Dragoon MS, lol.
I might get it for the Dranzer MS and the Neo grip.
I'm yet to have a proper Neo Grip and total price of it is alright I guess, as any HMS grips are quite hard to come by these days.
The neo grip looks much better. Don't understand why they don't just remake the proper one instead of that thing.
Hey guys. Saw something you might like. If you go to ebay and type in Beyblade Battleset, you'll a battleset with Wolborg and Black Dranzer on sale. (No, not a repaint of Dranzer F). Let me know how to link it and I'll link it the site here.
(Nov. 12, 2010  5:22 PM)Dragoon S Wrote: Hey guys. Saw something you might like. If you go to ebay and type in Beyblade Battleset, you'll a battleset with Wolborg and Black Dranzer on sale. (No, not a repaint of Dranzer F). Let me know how to link it and I'll link it the site here.
what link?
you didnt post a link...
He clearly said he didn't know how to do the link. Please read. Just copy the website and paste it here.
Here it is. Thanks, mageblader2
(Nov. 12, 2010  6:37 PM)Ramdatta Wrote: Battlecase

^ There is a link to the item.

Thank you. Haven't got the hang of links yet.
This is pretty cool, it even comes with Bearing Stinger. Gasp http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Takara-Beyblade-L...336285ece0
Expensive, though.
Anyone want a "Crystal LDrago"?
http://cgi.ebay.com/TAKARA-Metal-Fight-B...230ba3c37b -.-...
This was known for a quite a while.
(Nov. 15, 2010  7:01 AM)Fogot Wrote: This was known for a quite a while.

If you're talking to me well, i just had to post this after many, many face desks.
At someone way up there: Black Dranzer is not it's own entity, it never was. It IS just a recolor of Dranzer F.
(Nov. 16, 2010  4:37 AM)BeyFan Wrote: Is this a joke...or is someone going to pay this price for a launcher grip?

After reading Blah's post, I hope he doesn't ruin any bids I make.
That guy has 0 feedback so obviously he isn't going to pay that much for it. :L
Hah, that's classic.
Yeah, pretty crazy. I know that in no way is anyone going to pay that, it was just so ridiculous...I thought I'd share.
What an idiot, probably just waiting people's time on purpose.
woah! a bunch of people removed their bids and now it is $3.95 Gasp
Thats good. Can't believe the idiots got it up to 10,000.
Oh, god, that makes it funnier.