eBay Topic

^Yup haha, that is it.
Doesn't look that great though. :L
Nightmare Rex is just a pre-order ... The game is not even available in Japan yet.
Yo guys... 30 left minutes and still 0 bids
Don't miss your chance, it's still pretty cheap at 50$ for these 9 beyblades B)
Double post lol.
Here is a beyblade HMS lot I put on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View...754wt_1139

Bid! Smile
Do stadium shipments arrive at the door or mail?
Depends how you ordered it, but usually don't they put it at your door anyways ?
Unless it's registered, then you have to sign a thing, blahblah.
Like Ebay packages? Like its too big for your mailbox? I have no expierience with online orders. Because I'm gonna order this: http://cgi.ebay.com/Stadium-Metal-Fight-...1c167726ef (I know its made by Alladin Corp and not official, but it'll do for now).
Gold Quetzalcoatl 90WF
Hurry dudes, 4 hours left, only $30 shipped !
I wonder how long it'll take for the delivery. Ordered a Rock Leone from leo toy, its taking awhile. Beys that I ordered after it are already here...and a couple of them were from leo toy! I really want my Rock Leone, lol. Also, they are extremely hard to get a hold of.

EDIT: Can't believe there hasn't been a single bid on it...
Hard to get hold of... No they're not hasbro already released it and it's any easy bey to find on ebay.
(Oct. 28, 2010  12:50 AM)ChAoStOrM Wrote: Like Ebay packages? Like its too big for your mailbox? I have no expierience with online orders. Because I'm gonna order this: http://cgi.ebay.com/Stadium-Metal-Fight-...1c167726ef (I know its made by Alladin Corp and not official, but it'll do for now).

What happens in that the postman/courier will leave a note in your mailbox to pick up your parcel from your closet post office, all the details will be on the note that he leaves.
(Oct. 30, 2010  12:12 PM)megablader2 Wrote: Hard to get hold of... No they're not hasbro already released it and it's any easy bey to find on ebay.

Hmm, obviously didn't notice that I began to talk about the seller of the bey...not the bey itself, lol
It's not my fault you didn't write clearly what you meant. You could have meant the bey or the seller.
I wouldn't have to assume things if you wrote properly....
Iceburn Lol. We need Daegor to enforce proper grammar here again.
Oh wow, momiji giving megablader a pat on the back...never saw that coming, lol.
Why shouldn't he? I didn't do anything wrong, you did.
Does Alphard company sell real beyblade because people are saying he sells fake stuff
(Nov. 02, 2010  8:20 PM)Zackyblack12 Wrote: Does Alphard company sell real beyblade because people are saying he sells fake stuff

Yes, they do. That's why they're is a top-rated seller.