eBay Topic


This seller has 5 different listings/ auctions, each with about 2 HMS. Some beyblades that are included: Dragoon MSUV, Wolborg MS, Round Shell MS, Samurai Changer MS, Jiraiya MS, Magical Ape MS, Bloody Devil MS, Circle Upper, etc
Starting prices are carp though.
Plus, bidders are going to get alot higher, especially for DMSUV
(Nov. 21, 2009  6:53 PM)BLaDeZ Wrote: Plus, bidders are going to get alot higher, especially for DMSUV

That's why it's called an auction.
The Jiraiya set or the wolborg set might be barely worth buying, but everything else is too expensive.
Everything is fairly expensive but they might be worth it to some people...
i was looking on ebay earlier and saw an angle compass but cant post a link because ebay isnt working right now i had a look on the message board and apparently theres some kind of problemUnhappy
yeah, ebay is acting weird! it says no ones listing anything

Edit: it says its not functioning now
edit : ugghhh forget it

something ontopic : i spotted that enterheart had an angle compass, but it was quite expensive.

You didn't have to post that, we know how to spot fakes (the TT Hongli is always a dead giveaway).
The fake TT Hongli Beyblades I bought work pretty well if you change the weight disk.

The only real problem with them is the pieces dont always fit and the weight disks are very light and cheap.

I won 6 blades for like $2.50 free shipping so its not really a big deal if they break.

How can they afford to ship me these free shipping?
(Nov. 22, 2009  4:34 AM)anthony151 Wrote: The fake TT Hongli Beyblades I bought work pretty well if you change the weight disk.

The only real problem with them is the pieces dont always fit and the weight disks are very light and cheap.

I won 6 blades for like $2.50 free shipping so its not really a big deal if they break.

How can they afford to ship me these free shipping?

Look, the only good part of Wolborg 2 that you won is the SG, TT Hongli's SG's aren't the proper stuff.
Maybe the only good thing you might have won in one of those lots was galeon or Ddriger s, but i guess the sub-ar on galeon would be weak
I dont really care, I buy the fake and real blades. As long as I am aware before i buy the blade that its fake im fine. I will not pay more than $3.50 for a fake lot though. I am very aware of the differences of the real and fake blades.
(Nov. 22, 2009  1:31 PM)anthony151 Wrote: I am very aware of the differences of the real and fake blades.

Then why do you waste your money on fake beyblades? :\
Mostly to see if my real blades can break them. I mostly spend my money on real blades though.

also just by changing the fake weight disk to a real one basically triples its power.
That's because then they weigh about the same as a real blade, but the parts are made terribly.
I accidentally bought two Hongli blades when I first got back into Bey,
and let me tell you, even when you change the weight disk they still don't compare to the original.

Anyway isn't this getting off-topic?
This lot here http://cgi.ebay.com/HUGE-LOT-BEYBLADE-ST...2a02da4354

was almost interested but how can the seller justify $108.66 for shipping alone?

Ebay says it has rules against overcharged shipping but does not enforce it. I saw someone charging $30 for shipping and handling on an item you email me.
Sellers make the shipping part of the item cost to make their sale more appealing when looking at the item price.
Most beyblade lots get pretty high without the shipping costs. Im surprised the raising the shipping price actually tricks people into buying it. The seller of that item is lucky to get any bids if they do.
I was gonna bid on that.. lot, mainly because the price was low but I knew not to because the shipping price was not shown (which meant it was obviously at least 60 usd)
I asked the seller why the shipping was over $100, They have now offered an alternative for like $50.. Still a bit high though.
Has anyone ever bought from dickson_c?
If yes, is it safe?
Yes, he's safe. Many of us have bought from him before.
bull carp, do these sellers take people for a mug?