eBay Topic

That's a safe seller; just purchased from them a few days ago, and once before. They all came (still waiting for my new purchase).
I'm more afraid with Brazil's mail system misteriously disappearing with my purchase like it did with a Saint Seiya figure I bought once.

At least this one have Tracking Code.
Totally, I buy many things from powerpig, and theres he stickers at the top right corner.
good because i saw that but i was making sure because i fell for that trap with hell kerbecs i got the bey and there was a pic of a takara tomy box in the backround and it was rapidity instead f takara tomy
It's TakaraSmile I bought a Dark Knight Dragooon from the same seller he also has pretty fast shipping tooGrin
(Jul. 07, 2013  6:31 AM)BerserkerBegira Wrote: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Takara-Tomy-Beyb...2a2382b724
are these legit??

Yes absolutely. I buy from him regularly.
(Jul. 08, 2013  4:24 AM)TricerlerolG Wrote: Anyone know if this is legit? I'm clueless haha.


Yes, he's legit, I've won a Hell Kerbecs from him before, and that Diablo Nemesis is legit.
(Jul. 08, 2013  4:24 AM)TricerlerolG Wrote: Anyone know if this is legit? I'm clueless haha.


Wth! Why is the shipping $50?!O.o
That's a good price.
(Jul. 12, 2013  12:45 AM)BBPegasisMaster Wrote: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Beyblade-G-Revol...20d40a8cda


Anyone ever seen those before?
I recall seeing them ages ago but not for that price, they were cheaper I think... but my memory is a bit fuzzy regarding this topic, lol. But I do remember them both.
That first one... lol. That's hilarious.
(Jul. 12, 2013  1:12 AM)Tri Wrote: That first one... lol. That's hilarious.
It actually doesn't seem too bad, lol. Korean BB-18 (with a BeyLauncher so technically not BB-18?) and a black BeyPointer (albeit Korean xP)

I think the reason they made sets like that was to push out the remaining plastics into the market. Somebody said that here, again, ages ago lol.

EDIT: Happens all the time on RangerBoard and now here... first post on a new page when I don't want it to be xD
Hasbro's rendition of Poseidon.

Takara's has much more value, but it should never reach upto that. That's way too expensive, plus it's not even new.

The seller makes it seem as if that is much more rarer and 'better', which is stupid.
The seller make sense in my opinion.
I think the Hasbro is better than the Takara on this one.
Since the Hasbro is EG while the Takara is not.
You can easily get SG Flat to replace the Base of the Takara, while the Hasbro base is custom made only for it.

Anyway, I think it's expensive too, but considering he got no competition so he can dictate whatever price he want on it. Unless someone will sell similar item at lower price.
The Takara's has a wonderful ocean blue colour, while that is ... well ... y'know.

Poseidon has a Semi-Flat base, not Flat.

Hasbro just sticks any random base into those. Trygle 2G, Venusian G, Apollon G, Ocean Wrath G, Capricorne Strike G, etc. Probably because it was within the EG line .. So it wasn't really specially 'custom made for it'.
What I mean by "custom made" is that the base design is unique. Though we have a number of beys using first clutch base, but the design is custom made. It doesn't look the same on the other beys.

Will contact seller, see if he is willing to negotiate.

meanwhile. this one is ending soon. Seller is from Canada and will ship to US for $24.
Uhh, Metal Driger, Death Gargoyle G have the same base. But it was first released with Metal Driger.

Oh by the way, all bases were re-used when they made those beys I mentioned above.
(Jul. 12, 2013  12:45 AM)BBPegasisMaster Wrote: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Beyblade-G-Revol...20d40a8cda


Anyone ever seen those before?

I once purchased the second set . it was quite cool for it comes with a nice stadium and all , but it was about 80 USD at that time. The first one made me giggle lol. what up with the half G-rev beys and half metal beys ? thats funny , better not battle these together !
This seems like a pretty good lot, but mind the shipping price, but even with the shipping price included, the price is the same as a BB-10, and this comes with a whole bunch of other NIB things, it's pretty good!
