cyberdragoon1s beyshop plastics

some plastics i got from yja are here for sale

flash leopard 1 (sold)
cyber dragoon (translucent)(sold
dragoon v
dragoon v2
dragoon fighter
dranzer g
dranzer f
driger spring
driger v2
driger (green/silver)
draciel v2
rapid eagle g
dark effigy g
death gargoyle g

driger spring
cyber dragoon guard special
dark dranzer (nib)
dark driger
dark draciel(nib)
Can you take a picture of the dark series you got?
I'd be Interested in Driger V2, Draciel V2, Dark Driger/Draciel, and you don't have these listed, bbut:
Wolborg 1, Wing Attacker, Dranzer S.
i have only these but i know some people on youtube that have them drigergt mrannotions kidragoon keyblader007thebeybladeshow wagalashi
...Can you please provide a picture of any of these? I would very much like to buy all of your Driger type blades for my collection.

Not a chance I'm sending funds without proof these actually exist, though..
dark draciel dark dragoon and dark dranzer are back in sale got new ones i also now have rapid eagle g,dark effigy g,death garoyle g
You still haven't said yes or no to pictures.

Why are you ignoring us..
will your reserve rapid eagle g for me?
how do you do i have 2 links

<a href=""><img src="" style="border-width: 0" alt="Adopt one today!"/></a>
[Image: AVD2.gif]
click egg please
[Image: NGEG.gif]
cyberdragoon1, not only did you post one of the most pointless messages, but people keep asking you to provide pictures of the stock you wish to sell, and you pointedly ignore them. To preserve your credibility, you need to show us images of your Beyblades within the next few days.
cyberdragoon1, I am definitely closing your topic now. You have not shown any effort to try to provide pictures of your items to validate their existence within your hands. If you do not contact me about this in the next twenty-four hours, your topic will never be reopened, and you will be warned. Moreover, any of your future selling threads will be disregarded in a similar fashion. Your credibility was at stake.