umm i need help fixing my blade base. i heard remaking the bladebase to work is illegal but i really dont care. the blade base of v2 is split into 2 parts. the part that holds the support part, and the part that holds the tip and notches to change modes. my problem is the modes wont change in the blade base. when i launch it in attack it goes straight into endurance. i think im missing a part in it. the parts i found are as folows: 2 notches sticking out of the blade base for mode changing, the tip, the big part that holds all these peices that lets the beyblade change modes... ill post pictures
i think im missing some parts or something because the mode changing wont work at all. when i bought it on the first 2 matches the blade base was smashed apart by burning kerberous...
i think im missing some parts or something because the mode changing wont work at all. when i bought it on the first 2 matches the blade base was smashed apart by burning kerberous...